Dr Jessica Sze Yin Ho
Knowledge sharing in academic institutions: A study of Multimedia University Malaysia.
MY Cheng, JSY Ho, PM Lau
Electronic Journal of knowledge management 7 (3), 2009
Revisiting the ‘university image model’for higher education institutions’ sustainability
SR Manzoor, JSY Ho, A Al Mahmud
Journal of Marketing for Higher Education 31 (2), 220-239, 2021
Logistic service quality among courier services in Malaysia
JSY Ho, DOL Teik, F Tiffany, LF Kok, TY Teh
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 3 (4), 113-117, 2012
Ownership concentration, board characteristics and firm performance among Shariah-compliant companies
NA Shahrier, JSY Ho, SS Gaur
Journal of Management and Governance 24 (2), 365-388, 2020
Consumer electronics E-retailing: why the alliance of vendors’ E-service quality, trust and trustworthiness matters
YL Chek, JSY Ho
Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 219, 804-811, 2016
Relationship between the full-range leadership and insurance salesperson's job satisfaction
JSY Ho, DYG Fie, PW Ching, KB Ooi
International Journal of Business and Management Science 2 (1), 43-60, 2009
Student evaluation of lecturer performance among private university students
Y Sok-Foon, JH Sze-Yin, BC Yin-Fah, BC Yin
Canadian Social Science 8 (4), 238-243, 2012
Corporate talent needs and availability in Malaysian service industry
AG Downe, SP Loke, JSY Ho, AA Taiwo
International Journal of Business and Management 7 (2), 224, 2012
Employee attrition in the Malaysian service industry: Push and pull factors.
JSY Ho, AG Downe, SP Loke
IUP Journal of Organizational Behavior 9, 2010
Abusive supervision and cyberloafing: A moderated moderation model of moral disengagement and negative reciprocity beliefs
KY Koay, VKG Lim, PCH Soh, DLT Ong, JSY Ho, PK Lim
Information & Management 59 (2), 103600, 2022
Effects of social media on cosmetic brands
KJ Binwani, JSY Ho
Khusboo, JB & Ho, JSY (2019). Effects of Social Media on Cosmetic Brands …, 2019
Gender roles and customer organisational citizenship behaviour in emerging markets
JSY Ho, SS Gaur, KW Chew, N Khan
Gender in Management: An International Journal 32 (8), 503-517, 2017
Closing the leadership gaps: Preferred and perceived leadership style among life insurance agents
JSY Ho, DYG Fie, PW Ching, K Boon
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 3 (3), 2437-2446, 2009
Customers as volunteers? E-customer citizenship behavior and its antecedents
G Ponnusamy
Information management and business review 7 (3), 50-58, 2015
Global versus local brand: perceived quality and status-seeking motivation in the automobile industry
WP Ing, GTT Phing, NC Peng, JSY Ho, DOL Teik
World Review of Business Research 2 (4), 1-12, 2012
Knowledge sharing in knowledge-based institutions
JSY Ho, LP Mey
10th IBIMA Conference on Innovation and Knowledge Management in Business …, 2008
Does internet self-efficacy affect knowledge sharing behavior?
PL Teh, JSY Ho, CC Yong, SY Yew
2010 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2010
Local vs. Global Brands: Country-of-Origin’ s Effect on Consumer-based Brand Equity among Status-Seekers
SY Chiu
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies 7 (3 (J)), 6-13, 2015
Consumer personality, privacy concerns and usage of location-based services (LBS)
SH Soo, MTKY Tan, JY Ho, WL Low, MM Yahya, JSY Ho
Journal of Economics, Business and Management 3 (10), 961, 2015
The Moderating Effect of Local VS. Foreign CourierService Providers on Logistic Service Quality (LSQ)
JSY Ho, DOL Teik, F Tiffany, LF Kok, TY Teh
International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance 3 (4), 257, 2012
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