Jeronimo Alencar
Jeronimo Alencar
Pesquisador Entomologia, Fundação Oswaldo Cruz
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Serological detection of West Nile virus in horses and chicken from Pantanal, Brazil
V Melandri, AÉ Guimarães, N Komar, ML Nogueira, A Mondini, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 107, 1073-1075, 2012
Prevalência de anofelinos (Diptera: Culicidae) no crepúsculo vespertino em áreas da usina hidrelétrica de Itaipu, no município de Guairá, Estado do Paraná, Brasil
AÉ Guimarães, RP Mello, CM Lopes, J Alencar, C Gentile
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 92, 745-754, 1997
Revisión de los mosquitos del género Haemagogus Williston (Diptera: Culicidae) de Brasil
CB Marcondes, J Alencar
Revista Biomedica 21 (3), 221-238, 2010
Ecologia de mosquitos (Diptera, Culicidae) em áreas do Parque Nacional do Iguaçu, Brasil: 1 Distribuição por hábitat
AÉ Guimarães, CM Lopes, RP Mello, J Alencar
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 19, 1107-1116, 2003
Ecology of anopheline (diptera, culicidae), malaria vectors around the Serra da Mesa reservoir, state of Goiás, Brazil: 1-frequency and climatic factors
AÉ Guimarães, C Gentile, J Alencar, CM Lopes, RP Mello
Cadernos de Saúde Pública 20, 291-302, 2004
Feeding Patterns of Haemagogus janthinomys (Diptera: Culicidae) in Different Regions of Brazil
J Alencar, ES Lorosa, N Dégallier, NM Serra-Freire, JB Pacheco, ...
Journal of medical entomology 42 (6), 981-985, 2005
Diversidade de criadouros e tipos de imóveis freqüentados por Aedes albopictus e Aedes aegypti
VC da Silva, PO Scherer, SS Falcão, J Alencar, SP Cunha, IM Rodrigues, ...
Revista de Saúde Pública 40, 1106-1111, 2006
Larvicidal activity of grandisin against Aedes aegypti
MMO Cabral, JA Alencar, AE Guimarães, MJ Kato
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 25 (1), 103-105, 2009
Culicidae community composition and temporal dynamics in Guapiaçu ecological reserve, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
J Alencar, CF de Mello, AÉ Guimarães, HR Gil-Santana, JS Silva, ...
PLoS One 10 (3), e0122268, 2015
Diversity of yellow fever mosquito vectors in the Atlantic Forest of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
J Alencar, CF Mello, LS Barbosa, HR Gil-Santana, DA Maia, ...
Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Medicina Tropical 49, 351-356, 2016
Vertical oviposition activity of mosquitoes in the Atlantic Forest of Brazil with emphasis on the sylvan vector, Haemagogus leucocelaenus (Diptera: Culicidae)
J Alencar, CF de Mello, HR Gil‐Santana, AÉ Guimarães, SAS de Almeida, ...
Journal of Vector Ecology 41 (1), 18-26, 2016
Seasonal population dynamics of the primary yellow fever vector Haemagogus leucocelaenus (Dyar & Shannon) (Diptera: Culicidae) is mainly influenced by …
D Couto-Lima, CS Andreazzi, PJ Leite, MIL Bersot, J Alencar, ...
Memórias do Instituto Oswaldo Cruz 115, e200218, 2020
Mosquito fauna of the Guapiaçu Ecological Reserve, Cachoeiras de Macacu, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, collected under the influence of different color CDC light traps
JS Silva, M Souto Couri, AP de Leão Giupponi, J Alencar
Journal of Vector Ecology 39 (2), 384-394, 2014
Observações sobre padrões alimentares de mosquitos (Diptera: Culicidae) no Pantanal Mato-Grossense
J Alencar, ES Lorosa, JS Silva, CM Lopes, AE Guimarães
Neotropical entomology 34, 681-687, 2005
Piezocone tests in the Rio de Janeiro soft clay deposit
P Rocha Filho, JA Alencar
International conference on soil mechanics and foundation engineering. 11 …, 1985
Blood meal identification of selected mosquitoes in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
ES Lorosa, MS Faria, LCM De Oliveira, J Alencar, CB Marcondes
Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association 26 (1), 18-23, 2010
Preliminary investigation of Culicidae species in South Pantanal, Brazil and their potential importance in arbovirus transmission
A Pauvolid-Corrêa, FN Tavares, J Alencar, JS Silva, M Murta, ...
Revista do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo 52, 17-24, 2010
Flight height preference for oviposition of mosquito (Diptera: Culicidae) vectors of sylvatic yellow fever virus near the hydroelectric reservoir of Simplício, Minas Gerais, Brazil
J Alencar, F Morone, CF De Mello, N Dégallier, PS Lucio, ...
Journal of medical entomology 50 (4), 791-795, 2013
Biodiversity and times of activity of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in the biome of the Atlantic Forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
J Alencar, ZM Fereira, CM Lopes, NM Serra-Freire, RP De Mello, ...
Journal of medical entomology 48 (2), 223-231, 2011
Feeding patterns of mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae) in six Brazilian environmental preservation areas
J dos Santos Silva, J Alencar, JM Costa, E Seixas‐Lorosa, AÉ Guimarães
Journal of Vector Ecology 37 (2), 342-350, 2012
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