Semiclassical and quantum theories of bistability in lasers containing saturable absorbers LA Lugiato, P Mandel, ST Dembinski, A Kossakowski Physical Review A 18 (1), 238, 1978 | 170 | 1978 |
Exactly solvable models with time-dependent boundary conditions AJ Makowski, ST Dembiński Physics Letters A 154 (5-6), 217-220, 1991 | 123 | 1991 |
Quantum bouncer with chaos ST Dembiński, AJ Makowski, P Pepłowski Physical review letters 70 (8), 1093, 1993 | 49 | 1993 |
Laser instability below threshold ST Dembiński, A Kossakowski, P Pepłowski, LA Lugiato, P Mandel Physics Letters A 68 (1), 20-22, 1978 | 36 | 1978 |
On the Dyson method in the theory of magnetism ST Dembiński Physica 30 (6), 1217-1224, 1964 | 35 | 1964 |
Chaotic causal trajectories: the role of the phase of stationary states AJ Makowski, P Pepłowski, ST Dembiński Physics Letters A 266 (4-6), 241-248, 2000 | 33 | 2000 |
Semiclassical and quantum theory of the bistability in lasers containing saturable absorbers. II ST Dembinski, A Kossakowski, LA Lugiato, P Mandel Physical Review A 18 (3), 1145, 1978 | 29 | 1978 |
Phase transition analogies and photon statistics in dye lasers ST Dembinski, A Kossakowski Z. Phys., B 24 (2), 141-146, 1976 | 29 | 1976 |
Phase transition analogies in a laser with saturable absorber ST Dembinski, A Kossakowski Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 25 (2), 207-210, 1976 | 25 | 1976 |
On correlation functions of lasing systems exhibiting first order-like phase transition threshold behaviour ST Dembiński, A Kossakowski, L Wolniewicz Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 27 (3), 281-288, 1977 | 22 | 1977 |
Correlation functions for a laser with saturable absorber near threshold ST Dembiński, A Kossakowski, L Wolniewicz, LA Lugiato, P Mandel Zeitschrift für Physik B Condensed Matter 32 (1), 107-111, 1978 | 20 | 1978 |
Zeeman effect in the multipole line 4615 Å of Bi i ST Dembinski, J Heldt, L Wolniewicz JOSA 62 (4), 555-561, 1972 | 19 | 1972 |
On the specific heat of paramagnetic salts at very low temperatures S Wong, ST Dembin, W Opechowski Physica 42 (4), 565-571, 1969 | 19 | 1969 |
On the Green-function theory of the spin-Heisenberg ferromagnet ST Dembinski Canadian Journal of Physics 46 (9), 1021-1028, 1968 | 16 | 1968 |
Asymptotic behaviour of a particle in a uniformly expanding potential well ST Dembinski, AJ Makowski, P Peplowski Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 28 (5), 1449, 1995 | 13 | 1995 |
Correspondence between some wave patterns and Lissajous figures KJ Górska, AJ Makowski, ST Dembiński Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 39 (42), 13285, 2006 | 11 | 2006 |
Remarks on the kinematical and dynamical corrections to the spin wave approximation for an ideal antiferromagnet ST Dembiński Physica 35 (1), 119-128, 1967 | 6 | 1967 |
Accelerator mode in a gravitational bouncer as an attracting mode in a globally chaotic Hamiltonian system ST Dembinski, P Pepłowski Physical Review E 55 (1), 212, 1997 | 5 | 1997 |
Remarks on solving the one-dimensional time-dependent Schrödinger equation on the interval: the case of a quantum bouncer ST Dembinski, L Wolniewicz Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 29 (2), 349, 1996 | 5 | 1996 |
Analysis of the 2M approximation in the stochastic treatment of some VV and VT collision problems ST Dembiński, AJ Makowski Chemical physics 90 (1-2), 109-124, 1984 | 5 | 1984 |