Li, Renkai
Li, Renkai
在 tsinghua.edu.cn 的电子邮件经过验证
Mega-electron-volt ultrafast electron diffraction at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
SP Weathersby, G Brown, M Centurion, TF Chase, R Coffee, J Corbett, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 86 (7), 2015
An ultrafast symmetry switch in a Weyl semimetal
EJ Sie, CM Nyby, CD Pemmaraju, SJ Park, X Shen, J Yang, MC Hoffmann, ...
Nature 565 (7737), 61-66, 2019
Imaging CF3I conical intersection and photodissociation dynamics with ultrafast electron diffraction
J Yang, X Zhu, TJA Wolf, Z Li, JPF Nunes, R Coffee, JP Cryan, M Gühr, ...
Science 361 (6397), 64-67, 2018
Light-induced charge density wave in LaTe3
A Kogar, A Zong, PE Dolgirev, X Shen, J Straquadine, YQ Bie, X Wang, ...
Nature Physics 16 (2), 159-163, 2020
The photochemical ring-opening of 1, 3-cyclohexadiene imaged by ultrafast electron diffraction
TJA Wolf, DM Sanchez, J Yang, RM Parrish, JPF Nunes, M Centurion, ...
Nature chemistry 11 (6), 504-509, 2019
Light-induced picosecond rotational disordering of the inorganic sublattice in hybrid perovskites
X Wu, LZ Tan, X Shen, T Hu, K Miyata, MT Trinh, R Li, R Coffee, S Liu, ...
Science advances 3 (7), e1602388, 2017
Heterogeneous to homogeneous melting transition visualized with ultrafast electron diffraction
MZ Mo, Z Chen, RK Li, M Dunning, BBL Witte, JK Baldwin, LB Fletcher, ...
Science 360 (6396), 1451-1455, 2018
Diffractive imaging of coherent nuclear motion in isolated molecules
J Yang, M Guehr, X Shen, R Li, T Vecchione, R Coffee, J Corbett, A Fry, ...
Physical review letters 117 (15), 153002, 2016
Simultaneous observation of nuclear and electronic dynamics by ultrafast electron diffraction
J Yang, X Zhu, JP F. Nunes, JK Yu, RM Parrish, TJA Wolf, M Centurion, ...
Science 368 (6493), 885-889, 2020
Single-shot MeV transmission electron microscopy with picosecond temporal resolution
RK Li, P Musumeci
Physical Review Applied 2 (2), 024003, 2014
Experimental demonstration of high quality MeV ultrafast electron diffraction
R Li, C Tang, Y Du, W Huang, Q Du, J Shi, L Yan, X Wang
Review of Scientific Instruments 80 (8), 083303-083303-4, 2009
Surface-plasmon resonance-enhanced multiphoton emission of high-brightness electron beams from a nanostructured copper cathode
RK Li, H To, G Andonian, J Feng, A Polyakov, CM Scoby, K Thompson, ...
Physical review letters 110 (7), 074801, 2013
Diffractive imaging of a rotational wavepacket in nitrogen molecules with femtosecond megaelectronvolt electron pulses
J Yang, M Guehr, T Vecchione, MS Robinson, R Li, N Hartmann, X Shen, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 11232, 2016
Dynamic Structural Response and Deformations of Monolayer MoS2 Visualized by Femtosecond Electron Diffraction
EM Mannebach, R Li, KA Duerloo, C Nyby, P Zalden, T Vecchione, ...
Nano letters 15 (10), 6889-6895, 2015
Generation of first hard X-ray pulse at Tsinghua Thomson Scattering X-ray Source
Y Du, L Yan, J Hua, Q Du, Z Zhang, R Li, H Qian, W Huang, H Chen, ...
Review of Scientific Instruments 84 (5), 2013
Femtosecond compression dynamics and timing jitter suppression in a THz-driven electron bunch compressor
EC Snively, MAK Othman, M Kozina, BK Ofori-Okai, SP Weathersby, ...
Physical review letters 124 (5), 054801, 2020
Ultrafast manipulation of mirror domain walls in a charge density wave
A Zong, X Shen, A Kogar, L Ye, C Marks, D Chowdhury, T Rohwer, ...
Science advances 4 (10), eaau5501, 2018
Ultrafast electron diffraction from non-equilibrium phonons in femtosecond laser heated Au films
T Chase, M Trigo, AH Reid, R Li, T Vecchione, X Shen, S Weathersby, ...
Applied Physics Letters 108 (4), 2016
Next generation high brightness electron beams from ultrahigh field cryogenic rf photocathode sources
JB Rosenzweig, A Cahill, V Dolgashev, C Emma, A Fukasawa, R Li, ...
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22 (2), 023403, 2019
Terahertz-based subfemtosecond metrology of relativistic electron beams
RK Li, MC Hoffmann, EA Nanni, SH Glenzer, ME Kozina, AM Lindenberg, ...
Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 22 (1), 012803, 2019
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