Ernst Oberortner
Ernst Oberortner
Takara Bio USA
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The Synthetic Biology Open Language (SBOL) provides a community standard for communicating designs in synthetic biology
M Galdzicki, KP Clancy, E Oberortner, M Pocock, JY Quinn, CA Rodriguez, ...
Nature biotechnology 32 (6), 545-550, 2014
Sharing structure and function in biological design with SBOL 2.0
N Roehner, J Beal, K Clancy, B Bartley, G Misirli, R Grunberg, ...
ACS synthetic biology 5 (6), 498-506, 2016
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 2.0. 0
B Bartley, J Beal, K Clancy, G Misirli, N Roehner, E Oberortner, M Pocock, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 12 (2), 902-991, 2015
Compliance in service-oriented architectures: A model-driven and view-based approach
H Tran, U Zdun, E Oberortner, E Mulo, S Dustdar
Information and Software Technology 54 (6), 531-552, 2012
Streamlining the design-to-build transition with build-optimization software tools
E Oberortner, JF Cheng, NJ Hillson, S Deutsch
ACS synthetic biology 6 (3), 485-496, 2017
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 2.2. 0
RS Cox III, C Madsen, JA McLaughlin, T Nguyen, N Roehner, B Bartley, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 15 (1), 20180001, 2018
The synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 3: simplified data exchange for bioengineering
JA McLaughlin, J Beal, G Mısırlı, R Grünberg, BA Bartley, J Scott-Brown, ...
Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 8, 1009, 2020
A standard-enabled workflow for synthetic biology
CJ Myers, J Beal, TE Gorochowski, H Kuwahara, C Madsen, ...
Biochemical Society Transactions 45 (3), 793-803, 2017
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 1.1. 0
M Galdzicki, M Wilson, CA Rodriguez, MR Pocock, E Oberortner, L Adam, ...
The first 10 years of the international coordination network for standards in systems and synthetic biology (COMBINE)
D Waltemath, M Golebiewski, ML Blinov, P Gleeson, H Hermjakob, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 17 (2-3), 20200005, 2020
libSBOLj 2.0: a java library to support SBOL 2.0
Z Zhang, T Nguyen, N Roehner, G Misirli, M Pocock, E Oberortner, ...
IEEE life sciences letters 1 (4), 34-37, 2015
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 2.3
C Madsen, A Goñi Moreno, U P, Z Palchick, N Roehner, C Atallah, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 16 (2), 20190025, 2019
Proposed data model for the next version of the Synthetic Biology Open Language
N Roehner, E Oberortner, M Pocock, J Beal, K Clancy, C Madsen, ...
ACS synthetic biology 4 (1), 57-71, 2015
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 2.1. 0
J Beal, RS Cox, R Grünberg, J McLaughlin, T Nguyen, B Bartley, M Bissell, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 13 (3), 30-132, 2016
Synthetic biology open language (SBOL) version 3.0. 0
H Baig, P Fontanarrosa, V Kulkarni, JA McLaughlin, P Vaidyanathan, ...
Journal of integrative bioinformatics 17 (2-3), 20200017, 2020
Tailoring a model-driven quality-of-service DSL for various stakeholders
E Oberortner, U Zdun, S Dustdar
2009 ICSE Workshop on Modeling in Software Engineering, 20-25, 2009
Bidirectional titration of yeast gene expression using a pooled CRISPR guide RNA approach
EK Bowman, M Deaner, JF Cheng, R Evans, E Oberortner, Y Yoshikuni, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (31), 18424-18430, 2020
Domain-specific languages for service-oriented architectures: An explorative study
E Oberortner, U Zdun, S Dustdar
European Conference on a Service-Based Internet, 159-170, 2008
A rule-based design specification language for synthetic biology
E Oberortner, S Bhatia, E Lindgren, D Densmore
ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing Systems (JETC) 11 (3), 1-19, 2014
An end-to-end framework for business compliance in process-driven SOAs
H Tran, T Holmes, E Oberortner, E Mulo, AB Cavalcante, J Serafinski, ...
2010 12th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for …, 2010
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