Rubén Sainz
Rubén Sainz
Profesor de Economçia Universidad de Cantabria
在 unican.es 的电子邮件经过验证
The economic impact of logistics infrastructure: the case of PLAZA–the Zaragoza Logistics Platform
R Sainz, J Baños, S Val, SJ Kattour
Transportation Planning and Technology 36 (4), 299-318, 2013
The impact of airport fees on fares for the leisure air travel market: The case of Spain
R Sainz-González, R Núnez-Sánchez, P Coto-Millán
Journal of Air Transport Management 17 (3), 158-162, 2011
Determinants of demand for international maritime transport: An application to Spain
P Coto-Millán, J Baños-Pino, R Sainz-González, MÁ Pesquera-González, ...
Maritime Economics & Logistics 13 (3), 237-249, 2011
The influence of organizational factors on road transport safety
N Gamero, I Silla, R Sainz-González, B Sora
International journal of environmental research and public health 15 (9), 1938, 2018
Sustainable mobility policy analysis using hybrid choice models: is it the right choice?
G García-Melero, R Sainz-González, P Coto-Millán, A Valencia-Vásquez
Sustainability 13 (5), 2993, 2021
Optimization of the air cargo supply chain.
M Pérez Bernal, S Val Blasco, E Larrodé Pellicer, R Sainz González
OmniaScience, 2012
Intra-national home bias: New evidence from the United States commodity flow survey
V Martínez-San Román, I Mateo-Mantecón, R Sainz-González
Economics Letters 151, 4-9, 2017
Regulation, competition, crisis and technical efficiency of companies operating in Spanish ports (2002–2011)
P Coto-Millán, P Casares-Hontañón, R Sainz González, ...
Maritime Economics & Logistics 18, 282-294, 2016
Demand for port traffic by type of good in Spain: 1995. I-2007. IV
P Coto-Millán, P Casares-Hontañón, J Castanedo, V Inglada, ...
Maritime Economics & Logistics 15, 444-466, 2013
Efficiency Stochastic Frontiers: a Panel Data Analysis for Spanish Airports (1992–1994)
P Coto-Millán, G Carrera-Gómez, J Castanedo-Galán, MA Pesquera, ...
Essays on Transport Economics, 121-126, 2007
El sistema aeroportuario español. Un análisis de concentración y volatilidad
V Martínez San Román, I Mateo Mantecón, R Sainz González
Universidad Nacional de Educacion a Distancia (España), 2017
Ridesourcing mode choice: A latent class choice model for UberX in Chile
G García-Melero, R Sainz-González, P Coto-Millán, A Valencia-Vásquez
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 16, 100722, 2022
Nuevas perspectivas en la investigación docente de la historia económica
JM Alonso Alonso, P Álvarez Causelo, P Amigo Román, ...
Ed. Universidad de Cantabria, 2016
Incorporación de atributos intangibles en modelos de elección discreta
G Garcia Melero, P Coto Millan, R Sainz González
XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia …, 2016
An air traffic demand forecasting model applied to Santander airport
P Coto-Millán, G Carrera-Gómez, VIL De Sabando, R Sainz-Gonzales
International Journal of Transport Economics 31, 197-208, 2004
Sensitivity of the subjective value of travel time for different microeconomic models: Empirical evidence for university students
P Coto-Millán, G García-Melero, R Sainz-González
International journal of transport economics: Rivista internazionale di …, 2014
Tráficos portuarios por mercancía en España (1995-2010): análisis económico a partir de las importaciones y exportaciones
P Coto Millán, V Inglada López de Sabando, R Sainz González, ...
Fundación de las Cajas de Ahorros (FUNCAS), 2012
Price and income elasticities for intercity public transport in Spain
P Coto-Millán, J Baños-Pino, G Carrera-Gómez, J Castanedo-Galán, ...
Essays on Transport Economics, 51-62, 2007
Scale Economies, Elasticities of Substitution and Behaviour of the Railway Transport Costs in Spain
P Coto-Millán, G Carrera-Gómez, V Inglada, R Núñez-Sánchez, ...
Essays on Transport Economics, 111-120, 2007
Estimation of the Economic Value of Student Urban Travel Time
P Coto-Millán, V Inglada, MA Pesquera, R Sainz, N Sánchez
Essays on Transport Economics, 33-50, 2007
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