Per Örtenwall
Per Örtenwall
docent i kirurgi, Sahlgrenska Academy
在 vgregion.se 的电子邮件经过验证
Low molecular weight heparin started before surgery as prophylaxis against deep vein thrombosis: 2500 versus 5000 Xal units in 2070 patients
D Bergqvist, US Burmark, PA Flordal, J Frisell, T Hallböökr, M Hedberg, ...
British Journal of Surgery 82 (4), 496-501, 1995
Effects of spinal cord stimulation (SCS) in patients with inoperable severe lower limb ischaemia: a prospective randomised controlled study
LEH Jivegård, LE Augustinsson, J Holm, B Risberg, P Örtenwall
European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery 9 (4), 421-425, 1995
Low molecular weight heparin given the evening before surgery compared with conventional low-dose heparin in prevention of thrombosis
D Bergqvist, T Mätzsch, US Burmark, J Frisell, O Guilbaud, T Hallböök, ...
Journal of British Surgery 75 (9), 888-891, 1988
Endothelial cell seeding reduces thrombogenicity of Dacron grafts in humans
P Örtenwall, H Wadenvik, J Kutti, B Risberg
Journal of vascular surgery 11 (3), 403-410, 1990
A stable prostacyclin analogue (Iloprost) in the treatment of ischaemic ulcers of the lower limb: A Scandinavian-Polish placebo controlled randomised multicenter study
L Norgren, A Alwmark, KA Angqvist, B Hedberg, D Bergqvist, ...
European Journal of Vascular Surgery 4 (5), 463-467, 1990
Age-standardized incidence of ruptured aortic aneurysm in a defined Swedish population between 1952 and 1988: mortality rate and operative results
C Drott, B Arfvidsson, P Örtenwall, K Lundholm
Journal of British Surgery 79 (2), 175-179, 1992
Memories and health-related quality of life after intensive care: a follow-up study
M Ringdal, K Plos, P Örtenwall, I Bergbom
Critical care medicine 38 (1), 38-44, 2010
Auditing surgical outcome: ten years with the Swedish Vascular Registry—Swedvasc
D Bergqvist, T Troeng, J Elfström, B Hedberg, KG Ljungström, L Norgren, ...
European Journal of Surgery 164 (S7), 3-32, 1998
Prehospital triage, discrepancy in priority-setting between emergency medical dispatch centre and ambulance crews
A Khorram-Manesh, K Lennquist Montán, A Hedelin, M Kihlgren, ...
European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery 37, 73-78, 2011
Scandinavian Guidelines—“The massively bleeding patient”
C Gaarder, PA Naess, EF Christensen, P Hakala, L Handolin, HE Heier, ...
Scandinavian Journal of Surgery 97 (1), 15-36, 2008
Reduction in deposition of indium 111—labeled platelets after autologous endothelial cell seeding of Dacron aortic bifurcation grafts in humans: A preliminary report
P Örtenwall, H Wadenvik, J Kutti, B Risberg
Journal of vascular surgery 6 (1), 17-25, 1987
Reduced platelet deposition on seeded versus unseeded segments of expanded polytetrafluoroethylene grafts: clinical observations after a 6-month follow-up
P Örtenwall, H Wadenvik, B Risberg
Journal of vascular surgery 10 (4), 374-380, 1989
Nomenclature, classification, and significance of traumatic extrapleural hematoma
MA Rashid, T Wikström, P Örtenwall
Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery 49 (2), 286-290, 2000
Hospital-related incidents; causes and its impact on disaster preparedness and prehospital organisations
A Khorram-Manesh, A Hedelin, P Örtenwall
Scandinavian Journal of Trauma, Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine 17, 1-6, 2009
Diabetes mellitus as a risk factor for early outcome after carotid endarterectomy–a population-based study
A Ahari, D Bergqvist, T Troëng, J Elfström, B Hedberg, KG Ljungström, ...
European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery 18 (2), 122-126, 1999
Hospital evacuation; planning, assessment, performance and evaluation
NC Wabo, P Örtenwall, A Khorram-Manesh
Journal of Acute Disease 1 (1), 58-64, 2012
Characteristics of lifesaving from drowning as reported by the Swedish Fire and Rescue Services 1996–2010
A Claesson, J Lindqvist, P Ortenwall, J Herlitz
Resuscitation 83 (9), 1072-1077, 2012
Seeding of ePTFE carotid interposition grafts in sheep and dogs: species-dependent results
P Ortenwall, A Bylock, BT Kjellstrom, B Risberg
Surgery 103 (2), 199-205, 1988
Cardiovascular injuries associated with sternal fractures
MA Rashid, P Örtenwall, T Wikström
European Journal of Surgery 167 (4), 243-248, 2001
Cardiac injuries: a ten-year experience
MA Rashid, T Wikstrom, P Ortenwall
The European journal of surgery 166 (1), 18-21, 2000
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