Ternovsky, V B; Терновский Валентин Борисович
Ternovsky, V B; Терновский Валентин Борисович
National University "Odessa Maritime Academy", Національний університет "Одеська морська академія
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Studying interaction dynamics of chaotic systems within a non-linear prediction method: application to neurophysiology
AV Glushkov, OY Khetselius, SV Brusentseva, PA Zaichko, VB Ternovsky
Advances in Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence, Ser …, 2014
Chaos-geometric attractor and quantum neural networks approach to simulation chaotic evolutionary dynamics during perception process
AV Glushkov, AA Svinarenko, VV Buyadzhi, PA Zaichko, VB Ternovsky
Advances in Neural Networks, Fuzzy Systems and Artificial Intelligence …, 2014
Theoretical spectroscopy of rare-earth elements: spectra and autoionization resonances
AA Svinarenko, AV Glushkov, OY Khetselius, VB Ternovsky, ...
Rare Earth Element, 83-104, 2017
Relativistic perturbation theory formalism to computing spectra and radiation characteristics: application to heavy element
AV Glushkov, OY Khetselius, AA Svinarenko, VV Buyadzhi, VB Ternovsky, ...
Recent Studies in Perturbation Theory, 131-150, 2017
Computational code in atomic and nuclear quantum optics: Advanced computing multiphoton resonance parameters for atoms in a strong laser field
AV Glushkov, MY Gurskaya, AV Ignatenko, AV Smirnov, IN Serga, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 905 (1), 012004, 2017
Quantum chemistry and spectroscopy of pionic atomic systems with accounting for relativistic, radiative, and strong interaction effects
YV Dubrovskaya, OY Khetselius, LA Vitavetskaya, VB Ternovsky, ...
Advances in quantum chemistry 78, 193-222, 2019
Non-Linear chaotic dynamics of quantum systems: Molecules in an electromagnetic field and laser systems
AV Glushkov, VV Buyadzhi, AS Kvasikova, AV Ignatenko, AA Kuznetsova, ...
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: Advances in Concepts and …, 2017
Computing of radiation parameters for atoms and multicharged ions within relativistic energy approach: Advanced Code
VV Buyadzhi, PA Zaichko, OA Antoshkina, TA Kulakli, GP Prepelitsa, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 905 (1), 012003, 2017
Chaotic dynamics of non-linear processes in atomic and molecular systems in electromagnetic field and semiconductor and fiber laser devices: new approaches, uniformity and …
GP Prepelitsa, AV Glushkov, YI Lepikh, VV Buyadzhi, VB Ternovsky, ...
Sensor Electr. and Microsyst. Techn. 11 (4), 43-57, 2014
Geometry of a Relativistic Quantum Chaos: New approach to dynamics of quantum systems in electromagnetic field and uniformity and charm of a chaos
AV Glushkov, VB Ternovsky, VV Buyadzhi, GP Prepelitsa
Proc. Intern. Geometry Centre 7 (4), 60-71, 2014
Studying interaction dynamics of the non-linear vibrational systems within non-linear prediction method (application to quantum autogenerators)
AV Glushkov, GP Prepelitsa, AA Svinarenko, PA Zaichko
Dynamical Systems. Theory, Eds. J. Awrejcewicz, M. Kazmierczak, P. Olejnik …, 2013
Advanced relativistic model potential approach to calculation of radiation transition parameters in spectra of multicharged ions
AA Svinarenko, AV Ignatenko, VB Ternovsky, VV Nikola, SS Seredenko, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 548 (1), 012047, 2014
Relativistic theory of excitation and ionization of Rydberg atomic systems in a Black-body radiation field
VV Buyadzhi, PA Zaichko, MY Gurskaya, AA Kuznetsova, ...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 810 (1), 012047, 2017
Nonlinear chaotic dynamics of quantum systems: molecules in an electromagnetic field
AV Ignatenko, AA Buyadzhi, VV Buyadzhi, AA Kuznetsova, ...
Advances in quantum chemistry 78, 149-170, 2019
Spectroscopy of multielectron atomic systems in a DC electric field
AA Kuznetsova, AV Glushkov, AV Ignatenko, AA Svinarenko, ...
Advances in quantum chemistry 78, 287-306, 2019
Non-linear analisis of chaotic self-oscillations in backward-wave tube
GP Prepelitsa, VV Buyadzhi, VB Ternovsky
Photoelectronics 22, 103-107, 2013
Calculational Methods in Quantum Geometry and Chaos theory
AV Glushkov, OY Khetselius, A Kruglyak Yu, VB Ternovsky
Odessa: OSENU, 2014
Spectroscopy of the complex autoionization resonances in spectrum of helium: Test and new spectral data
AV Glushkov, AA Svinarenko, VB Ternovsky, AV Smirnov, PA Zaichko
Photoelectronics 24, 94-102, 2015
Dynamics of laser systems with absorbing cell and backward-wave tubes with elements of a chaos
AV Glushkov, VM Kuzakon, VB Ternovsky, VV Buyadzhi
Dynamical Systems–Theory and Applications, Eds. J. Awrejcewicz, M …, 2013
Relativistic many-body perturbation theory calculations of the hyperfine structure and oscillator strength parameters for some heavy element atoms and ions
OY Khetselius, PA Zaichko, AV Smirnov, VV Buyadzhi, VB Ternovsky, ...
Quantum Systems in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology: Advances in Concepts and …, 2017
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