Understanding media: The extensions of man M McLuhan MIT press, 1994 | 46579 | 1994 |
The gutenberg galaxy M McLuhan University of Toronto Press, 2011 | 13949 | 2011 |
The medium is the massage M McLuhan, Q Fiore New York 123, 126-128, 1967 | 11115 | 1967 |
Os meios de comunicação: como extensões do homem M McLUHAN Editora Cultrix, 1974 | 5542 | 1974 |
The global village: Transformations in world life and media in the 21st century M McLuhan, BR Powers Communication and society, 1989 | 3070 | 1989 |
Comprender los medios de comunicación: las extensiones del ser humano M McLuhan Grupo Planeta (GBS), 2009 | 2456 | 2009 |
La Galaxie Gutenberg M McLuhan Círculo de lectores, 1998 | 2373 | 1998 |
Laws of the Media M McLuhan (No Title), 1992 | 1974 | 1992 |
War and peace in the global village M McLuhan, Q Fiore Gingko Press, Incorporated, 2001 | 1810 | 2001 |
The mechanical bride HM McLuhan Routledge & Kegan Paul, 1951 | 1647 | 1951 |
Gli strumenti del comunicare M McLuhan, E Capriolo Garzanti, 1986 | 1640 | 1986 |
Die magischen Kanäle M McLuhan Econ-Verlag, 1970 | 1624 | 1970 |
La aldea global: transformaciones en la vida y los medios de comunicación mundiales en el siglo XXI M McLuhan, BR Powers Editorial Gedisa, 2020 | 1367 | 2020 |
Галактика Гутенберга: Сотворение человека печатной культуры M McLuhan Ника Центр, 2004 | 1328 | 2004 |
El medio es el mensaje M McLuhan, Q Fiore, J Agel Paidós, 1987 | 1079* | 1987 |
Pour comprendre les média: les prolongements technologiques de l'homme M McLuhan, J Paré (No Title), 1968 | 1068 | 1968 |
Take today: The executive as dropout M McLuhan, B Nevitt (No Title), 1972 | 822 | 1972 |
Die Gutenberg-Galaxis M McLuhan, C Leggewie Verlag nicht ermittelbar, 1968 | 765* | 1968 |
A galáxia de Gutenberg: a formação do homem tipográfico M McLUHAN, LG de Carvalho, A Teixeira | 665 | 1972 |
Understanding the Media M Marshall | 596 | 1970 |