Evgueni Kulikov
Evgueni Kulikov
Shirshov Institute of Oceanology
在 ocean.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
The Grand Banks landslide-generated tsunami of November 18, 1929: preliminary analysis and numerical modeling
IV Fine, AB Rabinovich, BD Bornhold, RE Thomson, EA Kulikov
Marine Geology 215 (1-2), 45-57, 2005
The landslide tsunami of November 3, 1994, Skagway harbor, Alaska
EA Kulikov, AB Rabinovich, RE Thomson, BD Bornhold
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 101 (C3), 6609-6615, 1996
Wind‐forced upwelling and internal Kelvin wave generation in Mackenzie Canyon, Beaufort Sea
EC Carmack, EA Kulikov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C9), 18447-18458, 1998
Tidal oscillations in the Baltic Sea
IP Medvedev, AB Rabinovich, EA Kulikov
Oceanology 53, 526-538, 2013
Estimation of tsunami risk for the coasts of Peru and northern Chile
EA Kulikov, AB Rabinovich, RE Thomson
Natural Hazards 35, 185-209, 2005
Estuarine versus transient flow regimes in Juan de Fuca Strait
RE Thomson, SF Mihály, EA Kulikov
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 112 (C9), 2007
Near-source observations and modeling of the Kuril Islands tsunamis of 15 November 2006 and 13 January 2007
AB Rabinovich, LI Lobkovsky, IV Fine, RE Thomson, TN Ivelskaya, ...
Advances in Geosciences 14, 105-116, 2008
Tides in three enclosed basins: the Baltic, Black, and Caspian seas
IP Medvedev, AB Rabinovich, EA Kulikov
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 46, 2016
Japan's 2011 tsunami: Characteristics of wave propagation from observations and numerical modelling
IV Fine, EA Kulikov, JY Cherniawsky
Pure and Applied Geophysics 170, 1295-1307, 2013
Numerical modeling of tsunami generation by submarine and subaerial landslides
IV Fine, AB Rabinovich, RE Thomson, EA Kulikov
Submarine landslides and tsunamis, 69-88, 2003
The landslide‐generated tsunami of November 3, 1994 in Skagway Harbor, Alaska: A case study
AB Rabinovich, RE Thomson, EA Kulikov, BD Bornhold, IV Fine
Geophysical Research Letters 26 (19), 3009-3012, 1999
The Shikotan Tsunami of October 5, 1994
AI Ivashchenko, VK Gusyakov, VA Dzhumagaliev, H Yekh, LD Zhukova, ...
Transactions of the Russian Academy of Sciences-Earth Science Sections 348 …, 1996
Satellite recording of the Indian Ocean tsunami on December 26, 2004
EA Kulikov, PP Medvedev, SS Lappo
Doklady Earth Sciences A 401 (444-448), 49, 2005
Variability of the Baltic Sea level and floods in the Gulf of Finland
EA Kulikov, IP Medvedev
Oceanology 53, 145-151, 2013
Numerical modelling of tsunamis generated by hypothetical landslides in the Strait of Georgia, British Columbia
AB Rabinovich, RE Thomson, BD Bornhold, IV Fine, EA Kulikov
pure and applied geophysics 160, 1273-1313, 2003
The Kuril earthquakes and tsunamis of November 15, 2006, and January 13, 2007: Observations, analysis, and numerical modeling
LI Lobkovsky, AB Rabinovich, EA Kulikov, AI Ivashchenko, IV Fine, ...
Oceanology 49, 166-181, 2009
Numerical modelling of landslide-generated tsunamis with application to the Skagway Harbor tsunami of November 3, 1994
IV Fine, AB Rabinovich, EA Kulikov, RE Thomson, BD Bornhold
Proc. Int. Conf. on Tsunamis, Paris, 211-223, 1998
Методы и алгоритмы автоматизированного прогноза цунами
АА Поплавский, ЕА Куликов, ЛН Поплавская
Nauka Publishers, 1988
On numerical simulation of the landslide-generated tsunami of November 3, 1994 in Skagway Harbor, Alaska
RE Thomson, AB Rabinovich, EA Kulikov, IV Fine, BD Bornhold
Tsunami research at the end of a critical decade, 243-282, 2001
Flow variability at the continental shelf break of the Mackenzie Shelf in the Beaufort Sea
EA Kulikov, EC Carmack, RW Macdonald
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 103 (C6), 12725-12741, 1998
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