Michael Manfra
Cited by
Cited by
Scaling of Majorana zero-bias conductance peaks
F Nichele, ACC Drachmann, AM Whiticar, ECT O’Farrell, HJ Suominen, ...
Physical Review Letters 119 (13), 136803, 2017
Inhomogeneous spatial distribution of reverse bias leakage in GaN Schottky diodes
JWP Hsu, MJ Manfra, DV Lang, S Richter, SNG Chu, AM Sergent, ...
Applied Physics Letters 78 (12), 1685-1687, 2001
Evidence of topological superconductivity in planar Josephson junctions
A Fornieri, AM Whiticar, F Setiawan, E Portolés, ACC Drachmann, ...
Nature 569, 89-92, 2019
Direct observation of anyonic braiding statistics
J Nakamura, S Liang, G G.C., MJ Manfra
Nature Physics 16, 931-936, 2020
Direct imaging of reverse-bias leakage through pure screw dislocations in GaN films grown by molecular beam epitaxy on GaN templates
JWP Hsu, MJ Manfra, RJ Molnar, B Heying, JS Speck
Applied Physics Letters 81 (1), 79-81, 2002
Cryogenic control architecture for large-scale quantum computing
JM Hornibrook, JI Colless, ID Conway Lamb, SJ Pauka, H Lu, ...
Physical Review Applied 3 (2), 024010, 2015
Noise suppression using symmetric exchange gates in spin qubits
F Martins, FK Malinowski, PD Nissen, E Barnes, S Fallahi, GC Gardner, ...
Physical Review Letters 116 (11), 116801, 2016
Poole-Frenkel electron emission from the traps in AlGaN/GaN transistors
O Mitrofanov, M Manfra
Journal of Applied Physics 95 (11), 6414-6419, 2004
Supercurrent rectification and magnetochiral effects in symmetric Josephson junctions
C Baumgartner, L Fuchs, A Costa, S Reinhardt, S Gronin, GC Gardner, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 17, 39-44, 2021
Superconducting gatemon qubit based on a proximitized two-dimensional electron gas
L Casparis, MR Connolly, M Kjaergaard, NJ Pearson, A Kringhøj, ...
Nature Nanotechnology 13, 915-919, 2018
Collective non-perturbative coupling of 2D electrons with high-quality-factor terahertz cavity photons
Q Zhang, M Lou, X Li, JL Reno, W Pan, JD Watson, MJ Manfra, J Kono
Nature Physics 12 (11), 1005-1011, 2016
High-fidelity entangling gate for double-quantum-dot spin qubits
JM Nichol, LA Orona, H SP, F S, G GC, M MJ, Y A
NPJ Quantum Information 3, DOI: 10.1038/s41534-016-0003-1, 2017
Nonconventional odd-denominator fractional quantum hall states in the second landau level
A Kumar, GA Csáthy, MJ Manfra, LN Pfeiffer, KW West
Physical Review Letters 105 (24), 246808, 2010
A cryogenic CMOS chip for generating control signals for multiple qubits
SJ Pauka, K Das, R Kalra, A Moini, Y Yang, M Trainer, A Bousquet, ...
Nature Electronics 4, 64-70, 2021
Molecular beam epitaxy of ultra-high quality AlGaAs/GaAs heterostructures: Enabling physics in low-dimensional electronic systems
MJ Manfra
Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 5, 347-73, 2014
Mechanisms of gate lag in GaN/AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistors
O Mitrofanov, M Manfra
Superlattices and Microstructures 34 (1-2), 33-53, 2003
Gallium nitride is biocompatible and non-toxic before and after functionalization with peptides
SA Jewett, MS Makowski, B Andrews, A Ivanisevic, MJ Manfra
Acta Biomaterialia 8, 728-733, 2012
Topological superconductivity in hybrid devices
SM Frolov, MJ Manfra, JD Sau
Nature Physics 16, 718-724, 2020
Effect of growth stoichiometry on the electrical activity of screw dislocations in GaN films grown by molecular-beam epitaxy
JWP Hsu, MJ Manfra, SNG Chu, CH Chen, LN Pfeiffer, RJ Molnar
Applied Physics Letters 78 (25), 3980-3982, 2001
Vacuum Bloch-Siegert shift in Landau polaritons with ultra-high cooperativity
XW Li, M Bamba, Q Zhang, S Fallahi, GC Gardner, WL Gao, MH Lou, ...
Nature Photonics 12 (6), 324-+, 2018
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Articles 1–20