Harold Zald
Harold Zald
Research Forester, USDA Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station
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Recent climate warming forces contrasting growth responses of white spruce at treeline in Alaska through temperature thresholds
M Wilmking, GP Juday, VA Barber, HSJ Zald
Global Change Biology 10 (10), 1724-1736, 2004
Large-area mapping of Canadian boreal forest cover, height, biomass and other structural attributes using Landsat composites and lidar plots
G Matasci, T Hermosilla, MA Wulder, JC White, NC Coops, GW Hobart, ...
Remote sensing of environment 209, 90-106, 2018
Comparison of thinning and prescribed fire restoration treatments to Sierran mixed-conifer historic conditions
M North, J Innes, H Zald
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (2), 331-342, 2007
Severe fire weather and intensive forest management increase fire severity in a multi‐ownership landscape
HSJ Zald, CJ Dunn
Ecological Applications 28 (4), 1068-1080, 2018
Integrating Landsat pixel composites and change metrics with lidar plots to predictively map forest structure and aboveground biomass in Saskatchewan, Canada
HSJ Zald, MA Wulder, JC White, T Hilker, T Hermosilla, GW Hobart, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 176, 188-201, 2016
Initial tree regeneration responses to fire and thinning treatments in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, USA
HSJ Zald, AN Gray, M North, RA Kern
Forest Ecology and Management 256 (1-2), 168-179, 2008
Stand conditions associated with tree regeneration in Sierran mixed-conifer forests
AN Gray, HSJ Zald, RA Kern, M North
Forest science 51 (3), 198-210, 2005
Do insect outbreaks reduce the severity of subsequent forest fires?
GW Meigs, HSJ Zald, JL Campbell, WS Keeton, RE Kennedy
Environmental Research Letters 11 (4), 045008, 2016
Influence of soil thickness on stand characteristics in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest
MD Meyer, MP North, AN Gray, HSJ Zald
Plant and Soil 294, 113-123, 2007
Influence of lidar, Landsat imagery, disturbance history, plot location accuracy, and plot size on accuracy of imputation maps of forest composition and structure
HSJ Zald, JL Ohmann, HM Roberts, MJ Gregory, EB Henderson, ...
Remote Sensing of Environment 143, 26-38, 2014
Does wildfire likelihood increase following insect outbreaks in conifer forests?
GW Meigs, JL Campbell, HSJ Zald, JD Bailey, DC Shaw, RE Kennedy
Ecosphere 6 (7), 1-24, 2015
Species distribution modelling for plant communities: stacked single species or multivariate modelling approaches?
EB Henderson, JL Ohmann, MJ Gregory, HM Roberts, H Zald
Applied vegetation science 17 (3), 516-527, 2014
Species-specific response to climate reconstruction in upper-elevation mixed-conifer forests of the western Sierra Nevada, California
M Hurteau, H Zald, M North
Canadian Journal of Forest Research 37 (9), 1681-1691, 2007
Climatic, landform, microtopographic, and overstory canopy controls of tree invasion in a subalpine meadow landscape, Oregon Cascades, USA
HSJ Zald, TA Spies, M Huso, D Gatziolis
Landscape ecology 27, 1197-1212, 2012
Climate‐driven tree mortality and fuel aridity increase wildfire's potential heat flux
MJ Goodwin, HSJ Zald, MP North, MD Hurteau
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (24), e2021GL094954, 2021
The 15-year post-treatment response of a mixed-conifer understory plant community to thinning and burning treatments
MJ Goodwin, MP North, HSJ Zald, MD Hurteau
Forest Ecology and Management 429, 617-624, 2018
Extent and spatial patterns of grass bald land cover change (1948–2000), Oregon Coast Range, USA
HSJ Zald
Herbaceous Plant Ecology: Recent Advances in Plant Ecology, 153-165, 2009
Do forest fuel reduction treatments confer resistance to beetle infestation and drought mortality?
ZL Steel, MJ Goodwin, MD Meyer, GA Fricker, HSJ Zald, MD Hurteau, ...
Ecosphere 12 (1), e03344, 2021
Changing climate reallocates the carbon debt of frequent‐fire forests
MJ Goodwin, MP North, HSJ Zald, MD Hurteau
Global Change Biology 26 (11), 6180-6189, 2020
Tree growth responses to extreme drought after mechanical thinning and prescribed fire in a Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forest, USA
HSJ Zald, CC Callahan, MD Hurteau, MJ Goodwin, MP North
Forest Ecology and Management 510, 120107, 2022
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