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在 ub.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
The mediation effect of customer satisfaction in the relationship between service quality, service orientation, and marketing mix strategy to customer loyalty
S Solimun, AAR Fernandes
Journal of Management Development 37 (1), 76-87, 2018
Metode statistika multivariat pemodelan persamaan struktural (sem) pendekatan warppls
AAR Fernandes
Universitas Brawijaya Press, 2017
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perusahaan berpindah Kantor Akuntan Publik
S Damayanti, M Sudarma
Simposium Nasional Akuntansi 11, 1-50, 2007
Organizational citizenship behavior role in mediating the effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction on employee performance: Studies in PT bank Syariah Mandiri …
V Maharani, EA Troena, N Noermijati
International Journal of business and Management 8 (17), 1-12, 2013
The influence of organizational culture, organizational commitment to job satisfaction and employee performance (study at municipal waterworks of Jayapura, Papua Indonesia)
JH Syauta, EA Troena, S Margono Setiawan
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 1 (1), 69-76, 2012
AAR, & Nurjannah.(2017)
F Solimun
Metode statistika multivariat pemodelan persamaan struktural (SEM …, 2017
Corporate governance, corporate profitability toward corporate social responsibility disclosure and corporate value (comparative study in Indonesia, China and India stock …
IBA Purbawangsa, S Solimun, AAR Fernandes, S Mangesti Rahayu
Social Responsibility Journal 16 (7), 983-999, 2020
The effect of e-WOM on destination image, satisfaction and loyalty
PY Setiawan, EA Troena, N Armanu
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 3 (1), 22-29, 2014
The mediating effect of work motivation on the influence of job design and organizational culture against HR performance
M Al-Musadieq, K Raharjo, S Solimun, A Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes
Journal of Management Development 37 (6), 452-469, 2018
Pengaruh Kecerdasan Emosional dan Kecerdasan Spiritual terhadap Kepemimpinan Transformasional, Kepuasan Kerja dan Kinerja Manajer (Studi di Bank Syari’ah Kota Malang)
AS Supriyanto, EA Troena
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen 10 (4), 693-617, 2012
Pengaruh dimensi fraud diamond terhadap perilaku kecurangan akademik (Studi empiris pada mahasiswa magister akuntansi Universitas Brawijaya)
I Murdiansyah, M Sudarma, N Nurkholis
Jurnal Akuntansi Aktual (JAA) 4 (2), 121-133, 2017
Digital financial literacy, current behavior of saving and spending and its future foresight
M Setiawan, N Effendi, T Santoso, VI Dewi, MS Sapulette
Economics of Innovation and New Technology 31 (4), 320-338, 2022
AARF Solimun, R Fernandes
Metode Statistika Multivariat Pemodelan Persamaan Struktural (SEM …, 0
Pengembangan e-LKPD berbasis literasi sains untuk melatihkan keterampilan berpikir kritis peserta didik pada materi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan
DA Zahroh, Y Yuliani
Berkala Ilmiah Pendidikan Biologi (BioEdu) 10 (3), 605-616, 2021
The influence of organizational culture and job design on job commitment and human resource performance
K Raharjo, A Achmad Rinaldo Fernandes
Journal of Organizational Change Management 31 (7), 1346-1367, 2018
Pengaruh corporate social responsibility terhadap nilai perusahaan dengan ukuran perusahaan dan jumlah dewan komisaris sebagai variabel pemoderasi (studi pada perusahaan …
AK Putri, M Sudarma, B Purnomosidhi
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen 14 (2), 344-358, 2016
Organizational culture, transformational leadership, work engagement and teacher’s performance: Test of a model
F Arifin, EA Troena, M Djumahir, M Rahayu
International Journal of Education and Research 2 (1), 1-14, 2014
The effect of competence on commitment, performance and satisfaction with reward as a moderating variable (A study on designing work plans in Kendari City Government, Southeast …
A Lotunani, MS Idrus, E Afnan, M Setiawan
International Journal of Business and Management Invention 3 (2), 18-25, 2014
Analysis of organizational culture with Denison’s model approach for international business competitiveness
SH Wahyuningsih, A Sudiro, EA Troena, D Irawanto
Problems and perspectives in management, 142-151, 2019
Analisis pengaruh motivasi terhadap kepuasan kerja dan kinerja pegawai di PT Sang Hyang Seri (Persero) regional III Malang
B Muslih
Jurnal Aplikasi Manajemen 10 (4), 799-810, 2012
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