Wilian Soares Lacerda
Application of sliding mode observer for induced emf, position and speed estimation of permanent magnet motors
ZMA Peixo, FMF Sa, PF Seixas, BR Menezes, PC Cortizo, WS Lacerda
Proceedings of 1995 International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive …, 1995
Aplicação de redes neurais artificiais na previsão da produção de álcool
ACS Oliveira, AA Souza, WS Lacerda, LR Gonçalves
Ciência e Agrotecnologia 34, 279-284, 2010
Spatial distribution and risk factors for equine infectious anaemia in the state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.
ML Barros, AMC Borges, O De ACS, W Lacerda, OS De A, DM Aguiar
Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) 37 (3 …, 2018
Aplicação de redes neurais artificiais na classificação de áreas cafeeiras em Machado-MG
LN Andrade, TGC Vieira, WS Lacerda, MML Volpato, CA Davis Junior
Editora UFLA, 2013
A fuzzy system for cloacal temperature prediction of broiler chickens
L Ferreira, T Yanagi Junior, WS Lacerda, GF Rabelo
Ciência Rural 42, 166-171, 2012
Mercado de trabalho da enfermagem: aspectos gerais. Enferm Foco. 2016; 7 (ESP): 35-62
MH Machado, E Oliveira, W Lemos, WF Lacerda, W Aguiar Filho, ...
Exploiting feature extraction techniques for remote sensing image classification
M Boell, HR Alves, M Volpato, D Ferreira, W Lacerda
IEEE Latin America Transactions 16 (10), 2657-2664, 2018
Neural network committee to predict the AMEn of poultry feedstuffs
F Mariano, RR Lima, RR Alvarenga, PB Rodrigues, WS Lacerda
Neural Computing and Applications 25, 1903-1911, 2014
Predicting rectal temperature of broiler chickens with artificial neural network
AZ Lopes, TY Junior, WS Lacerda, D RABELO
International Journal of Engineering e Technology 14 (5), 29-33, 2014
Projeto e implementação de circuitos classificadores digitais com controle da generalização baseado na regra do vizinho-mais-próximo modificada
WS Lacerda
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 2006
Desenvolvimento de uma rede neuro-fuzzy para predição da temperatura retal de frangos de corte
L Ferreira, TY Junior, AZ Lopes, WS Lacerda
Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada 17 (2), 221-233, 2010
Hardware/software co-design using artificial neural network and evolutionaryy computing
MA Dias, WS Lacerda
2009 5th Southern Conference on Programmable Logic (SPL), 153-157, 2009
Mapeamento de áreas cafeeiras utilizando redes neurais artificiais: Estudo de caso na região de Três Pontas, Minas Gerais
TGC Vieira, WS Lacerda, TG Botelho
Anais XIV simpósio brasileiro de sensoriamento remoto. INPE, Natal, 7947-7954, 2009
Utilização da modelagem matemática (redes neurais artificiais) na classificação de autotetraploides de bananeira (Musa acuminata Colla)
ACL Oliveira, M Pasqual, LAS Pio, WS Lacerda, S Oliveira e Silva
Intelligent system for portfolio selection
AHC Silva, WS Lacerda
IEEE Latin America Transactions 12 (8), 1545-1552, 2014
Use of artificial neural networks for prognosis of charcoal prices in Minas Gerais
LM Coelho Junior, JLP Rezende, ALF Batista, AR Mendonça, ...
Cerne 19, 281-288, 2013
Use of mathematical modeling (artificial neural networks) in classification of banana autotetraploid (Musa acuminata Colla).
ACL Oliveira, M Pasqual, LAS Pio, WS Lacerda, S Oliveira E. Silva
Modeling productive performance of broiler chickens with artificial neural network
AZ Lopes, L Ferreira, TY Junior, WS Lacerda
Livestock Environment VIII, 31 August–4 September 2008, Iguassu Falls …, 2009
RRS+ LS-SVM: a new strategy for “a priori” sample selection
B Penna Resende de Carvalho, W Soares Lacerda, A de Pádua Braga
Neural Computing and Applications 16, 227-234, 2007
Partial luteolysis during early diestrus in cattle downregulates VEGFA expression and reduces large luteal cell and corpus luteum sizes and plasma progesterone concentration
E Trevisol, HDM García, CL Ackermann, W Lacerda, RML Pires, ...
Theriogenology 158, 188-195, 2020
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