Eliminating autocorrelation reduces biological relevance of home range estimates SR De Solla, R Bonduriansky, RJ Brooks Journal of animal ecology 68 (2), 221-234, 1999 | 657 | 1999 |
Effects of a sudden increase in natural mortality of adults on a population of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) RJ Brooks, GP Brown, DA Galbraith Canadian Journal of zoology 69 (5), 1314-1320, 1991 | 364 | 1991 |
Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. I. Discrimination of songs of neighbors and strangers RJ Brooks, JB Falls Canadian Journal of Zoology 53 (7), 879-888, 1975 | 319 | 1975 |
The case for a cause‐effect linkage between environmental contamination and development in eggs of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra s.serpentina) from … CA Bishop, RJ Brooks, JH Carey, P Ng, RJ Norstrom, DRS Lean Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Part A Current Issues 33 (4 …, 1991 | 257 | 1991 |
Maternal and environmental influences on growth and survival of embryonic and hatchling snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina) RJ Brooks, ML Bobyn, DA Galbraith, JA Layfield, EG Nancekivell Canadian Journal of Zoology 69 (10), 2667-2676, 1991 | 212 | 1991 |
Environmental contamination and developmental abnormalities in eggs and hatchlings of the common snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) from the Great Lakes—St … CA Bishop, P Ng, KE Pettit, SW Kennedy, JJ Stegeman, RJ Norstrom, ... Environmental Pollution 101 (1), 143-156, 1998 | 204 | 1998 |
Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. II. Effects of location JB Falls, RJ Brooks Canadian Journal of Zoology 53 (10), 1412-1420, 1975 | 204 | 1975 |
Nest-site selection and offspring sex ratio in painted turtles, Chrysemys picta L Schwarzkopf, RJ Brooks Copeia, 53-61, 1987 | 175 | 1987 |
Infanticide and other reproductive strategies in the collared lemming, Dicrostonyx groenlandicus FF Mallory, RJ Brooks Nature 273 (5658), 144-146, 1978 | 175 | 1978 |
Hatchling turtles survive freezing during winter hibernation. KB Storey, JM Storey, SP Brooks, TA Churchill, RJ Brooks Proceedings of the National academy of sciences 85 (21), 8350-8354, 1988 | 174 | 1988 |
Interclutch and interpopulation variation in the effects of incubation conditions on sex, survival and growth of hatchling turtles (Chelydra serpentina) ML Bobyn, RJ Brooks Journal of Zoology 233 (2), 233-257, 1994 | 173 | 1994 |
Individual recognition by song in white-throated sparrows. III. Song features used in individual recognition RJ Brooks, JB Falls Canadian Journal of Zoology 53 (12), 1749-1761, 1975 | 168 | 1975 |
Validation tests of an amphibian call count survey technique in Ontario, Canada LJ Shirose, CA Bishop, DM Green, CJ MacDonald, RJ Brooks, NJ Helferty Herpetologica, 312-320, 1997 | 165 | 1997 |
Distribution patterns of raptors in relation to density of meadow voles JA Baker, RJ Brooks The Condor 83 (1), 42-47, 1981 | 151 | 1981 |
Social Behavior of Microtus pennsylvanicus in Relation to Seasonal Changes in Demography AB Webster, RJ Brooks Journal of Mammalogy 62 (4), 738-751, 1981 | 148 | 1981 |
Long‐term dynamics of small‐mammal populations in Ontario JM Fryxell, JB Falls, EA Falls, RJ Brooks Ecology 79 (1), 213-225, 1998 | 142 | 1998 |
A radio-telemetry and mark-recapture study of activity in the common snapping turtle, Chelydra serpentina ME Obbard, RJ Brooks Copeia, 630-637, 1981 | 135 | 1981 |
Impact of organochlorine contamination on levels of sex hormones and external morphology of common snapping turtles (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) in Ontario, Canada. SR de Solla, CA Bishop, G Van Der Kraak, RJ Brooks Environmental Health Perspectives 106 (5), 253-260, 1998 | 130 | 1998 |
Current problems in the study of infanticidal behavior of rodents JB Labov, UW Huck, RW Elwood, RJ Brooks The Quarterly Review of Biology 60 (1), 1-20, 1985 | 130 | 1985 |
Sex determination in northern painted turtles: effect of incubation at constant and fluctuating temperatures L Schwarzkopf, RJ Brooks Canadian Journal of Zoology 63 (11), 2543-2547, 1985 | 123 | 1985 |