kyle shertzer
kyle shertzer
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Crossing the Hopf bifurcation in a live predator-prey system
GF Fussmann, SP Ellner, KW Shertzer, NG Hairston Jr
Science 290 (5495), 1358-1360, 2000
A stage-based matrix population model of invasive lionfish with implications for control
JA Morris, KW Shertzer, JA Rice
Biological Invasions 13, 7-12, 2011
Review of size-and age-dependence in batch spawning: implications for stock assessment of fish species exhibiting indeterminate fecundity
GR Fitzhugh, KW Shertzer, GT Kellison, DM Wyanski
Predator-prey cycles in an aquatic microcosm: testing hypotheses of mechanism
KW Shertzer, SP Ellner, GF Fussmann, NG Hairston Jr
Journal of Animal Ecology, 802-815, 2002
When can we reliably estimate the productivity of fish stocks?
PB Conn, EH Williams, KW Shertzer
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67 (3), 511-523, 2010
Meta-analysis reveals artificial reefs can be effective tools for fish community enhancement but are not one-size-fits-all
AB Paxton, KW Shertzer, NM Bacheler, GT Kellison, KL Riley, JC Taylor
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 282, 2020
Gulf menhaden (Brevoortia patronus) in the US Gulf of Mexico: fishery characteristics and biological reference points for management
DS Vaughan, KW Shertzer, JW Smith
Fisheries Research 83 (2-3), 263-275, 2007
Implications of life-history invariants for biological reference points used in fishery management
EH Williams, KW Shertzer
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 60 (6), 710-720, 2003
Targets and limits for management of fisheries: a simple probability-based approach
MH Prager, CE Porch, KW Shertzer, JF Caddy
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 23 (2), 349-361, 2003
A review of stock assessment packages in the United States
CM Dichmont, RA Deng, AE Punt, J Brodziak, YJ Chang, JM Cope, ...
Fisheries Research 183, 447-460, 2016
Integrated population modeling of black bears in Minnesota: implications for monitoring and management
JR Fieberg, KW Shertzer, PB Conn, KV Noyce, DL Garshelis
PLoS One 5 (8), e12114, 2010
A probability-based approach to setting annual catch levels.
KW Shertzer, MH Prager, EH Williams
Delay in fishery management: diminished yield, longer rebuilding, and increased probability of stock collapse
KW Shertzer, MH Prager
ICES Journal of Marine Science 64 (1), 149-159, 2007
Stock assessment of protogynous fish: evaluating measures of spawning biomass used to estimate biological reference points
EN Brooks, KW Shertzer, T Gedamke, DS Vaughan
Unraveling the recruitment problem: a review of environmentally-informed forecasting and management strategy evaluation
MA Haltuch, EN Brooks, J Brodziak, JA Devine, KF Johnson, N Klibansky, ...
Fisheries Research 217, 198-216, 2019
Performance of methods used to estimate indices of abundance for highly migratory species
PD Lynch, KW Shertzer, RJ Latour
Fisheries Research 125, 27-39, 2012
Spawner-recruit relationships of demersal marine fishes: prior distribution of steepness
KW Shertzer, PB Conn
Bulletin of Marine Science 88 (1), 39-50, 2012
Deriving acceptable biological catch from the overfishing limit: implications for assessment models
MH Prager, KW Shertzer
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 30 (1), 289-294, 2010
Ammonium uptake and growth models in marine diatoms: Monod and Droop revisited
WG Sunda, KW Shertzer, DR Hardison
Marine Ecology Progress Series 386, 29-41, 2009
Fine-scale movement patterns and behavioral states of gray triggerfish Balistes capriscus determined from acoustic telemetry and hidden Markov models
NM Bacheler, T Michelot, RT Cheshire, KW Shertzer
Fisheries Research 215, 76-89, 2019
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