Marcelo Martins Sá
Marcelo Martins Sá
Northumbria University - Newcastle Business School
在 northumbria.ac.uk 的电子邮件经过验证
Supply chain resilience: the whole is not the sum of the parts
MM Sá, PL de Souza Miguel, RP de Brito, SCF Pereira
International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2020
Managing operations for circular economy in the mining sector: an analysis of barriers intensity
RK Singh, A Kumar, JA Garza-Reyes, MM Sá
Resources Policy 69, 2020
The role of collaboration in reducing quality variability in Brazilian breweries
AL Prim, V Sarma, MM de Sá
Production Planning & Control 34 (12), 1192-1208, 2023
The role of collaboration for resilience of the sugarcane-energy supply chain
MM Sa, SF Pereira, PLDS Miguel
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (JOSCM) 11 (1), 64-79, 2018
With major risks comes great resilience: the COVID-19 effect on SMEs in a developing country
MM de Sa, AL Prim, L Birou
Operations Management Research 16 (2), 1043-1055, 2023
SME's resilience and management practices adoption in response to the COVID-19 context
AL Prim, MM Sa
XLIV Encontro da ANPAD, 2020
The “Indy way”: lessons from Brazilian sugar-cane biofuel supply chain
C Santiago, JSM Batista, MM Sa
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain Management (JOSCM) 10 (2), 56-70, 2017
The Role of Social Capital in Climate Change Adaptation: Small Farmers’ Perspective
RP de Brito, MM de Sá, NM di Araújo
Journal of Macromarketing, 02761467241249149, 2024
Marcas e promoções de varejo: um estudo experimental
LA Silva, AT Silva, MM Sá, S Strehlau
Fac Inst Paulista Ensino-Fipen, 2016
Introduzindo a informática nas micro e pequenas empresas
LMB Silva, M SÁ, SL Dellavechia
Revista do CCEI-Centro de Ciências da Economia e Informática-URCAMP 8 (14 …, 2004
The role of collaboration for resilience of the agri-food supply chain
MM Sa, SCF Pereira, PLS Miguel
POMS 30th Annual Conference, Washington, 2019
Climate change adaptation and inaction: the role of social and cognitive factors
RP Brito, MM Sá, SCF Pereira, PLS Miguel
79th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2019, Boston, 2019
Extending value creation and appropriation theory for agri-food supply chain
MM Sa, AL Prim
POMS 29ᵗʰ Annual Conference, Houston, 2018
The role of visibility for water resilience in sugar-energetic supply chains
MM Sa, SCF Pereira, PLS Miguel
POMS 29ᵗʰ Annual Conference, Houston, 2018
Do gerenciamento de riscos à resiliência em cadeias de suprimentos
M Martins de Sá
The “Indy Way”: Lessons from Brazilian Sugarcane Ethanol and Indycar Partnership
C Santiago, J Siegler, MM Sa
Journal of Operations and Supply Chain ManagementChristian Santiago 10 (2), 56, 2017
Insights de campo da cadeia da laranja para a abordagem da criação e apropriação de valor
AL Prim, MM Sa
XLI Encontro da ANPAD, 2017
Resilience capabilities in agri-food supply chains
MM Sa, SCF Pereira, PLS Miguel
POMS 28ᵗʰ Annual Conference, Seattle, 2017
O papel da colaboração como capacidade de resiliência na cadeia de suprimentos sucroalcooleira paulista
MM Sa, SCF Pereira, PLDS Miguel
XX Simpósio De Administração da Produção, Logística e Operações …, 2017
Gestão de operações e logística-Crise hídrica não preocupa empresas da cadeia de alimentos
PL de Souza Miguel, RP Brito, SCF Pereira, AL Prim, MM Sá
Anuário de Pesquisa GVPesquisa, 2015
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