MVC model, struts framework and file upload issues in web applications based on J2EE platform J Wojciechowski, B Sakowicz, K Dura, A Napieralski Proceedings of the International Conference Modern Problems of Radio …, 2004 | 90 | 2004 |
Metody budowania wielowarstwowych aplikacji lokalnych i rozproszonych w oparciu o technologię Java 2 Enterprise Editon DK Sakowicz B., Wojciechowski J. MIKROELEKTRONIKA I INFORMATYKA, pp. 163-168, 2004 | 23* | 2004 |
Object-relational mapping application in web-based tutor-supporting system J Wojciechowski, J Murlewski, B Sakowicz, A Napieralski CADSM, Lviv-Polyana, Ukraine, 307-310, 2005 | 13 | 2005 |
Comprehensive approach to web applications testing and performance analysis J Murlewski, J Wojciechowski, B Sakowicz, A Napieralski 2007 9th International Conference-The Experience of Designing and …, 2007 | 10 | 2007 |
Electronic document management system D Owczarek, J Wojciechowski, J Murlewski, B Sakowicz, A Napieralski Proceedings of the International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated …, 2006 | 10 | 2006 |
Application for Assigning Grades to Students Using Public Key Infrastructure NA Jachtoma P., Sakowicz B., Wojciechowski J. 13th International Conference Mixed Design of Integrated Circuits and …, 2006 | 3* | 2006 |
POZYCJONOWANIE STRON INTERNETOWYCH W SERWISACH WYSZUKIWAWCZYCH NA PRZYKŁADZIE GOOGLE NA Wojciechowski J., Murlewski J. Mikroelektronika i Informatyka, Prace Naukowe, str. 89-94, 2005 | 3* | 2005 |
From formal methods to implementation based on Petri Nets model of concurrent systems J Wojciechowski Pomiary Automatyka Kontrola 53, 132-134, 2007 | 2 | 2007 |
Usage of Aspect Oriented Programming in J2EE Applications NA Żywno M., Sakowicz B., Wojciechowski J., Zalewski P. 12 th International Conference MIXDES 2005, pp. 639 - 642, vol. 1, 2005 | 2* | 2005 |
Design of Web-Based Tutor-Supporting System on The Basis of JAVA Platform CZ SZYMAŃSKI G., Wojciechowski J.A. 11th International Conference MIXDES 2004, pp. 607-610, 2004 | 2 | 2004 |
From academic project to production software based on Java web-tier CMS application J Wojciechowski | 1 | 2015 |
Thesis Management Supporting System based on J2EE Platform M Gutkowski, J Wojciechowski, B Sakowicz, A Napieralski 2007 9th International Conference-The Experience of Designing and …, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Mapping of petri net formal model of concurrent system to class model with aspect of polymorphism in object oriented paradigm J Wojciechowski Mikroelektronika i Informatyka: prace naukowe, 167-170, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |
Granularity of products and sets of products presentation in B2C contract selling model based on 4commerce. pl E-commerce solution J Wojciechowski | | 2015 |
From academic project to production software based on web-tier CMS Java application J Wojciechowski PTI 17th KKIO Software Engineering Conference, pp.165-173, 2015 | | 2015 |
Moje prace geodezyjne w Syrii. Cz. I. Prace irygacyjne J Wojciechowski Przegląd Geodezyjny 81 (11), 2009 | | 2009 |
From formal methods to implementation based on Petri Nets model of concurrent systems W J. Pomiary, Automatyka, Kontrola No. 5/2007, Maj 2007, Vol. 53, pp. 132-134, 2007 | | 2007 |
Mapping of Petri net formal model of concurrent system to class model with aspect of polymorphism in object oriented paradigm W J. Zeszyty Naukowe Katedry Mikroelektroniki i Technik Informatycznych …, 2007 | | 2007 |
New methodology in designing reactive systems with formal methods based on authorization for hierarchical, component based system with time dependencies W J. International PhD Workshop for Candidates for a Doctor's Degree OWD 2006, 2006 | | 2006 |
System jednolitej autoryzacji w środowisku heterogenicznym opartym o www z zastosowaniem architektury klucza publicznego PKI oraz bazy danych LDAP NA Wojciechowski J. International Workshop for Candidates for a Doctor’s Degree, pp. 461-464, 2006 | | 2006 |