Sanusi Fattah
Sanusi Fattah
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Hasanuddin
在 fe.unhas.ac.id 的电子邮件经过验证
Local government expenditure allocation toward human development index at jeneponto regency, South Sulawesi, Indonesia
S Fattah, A Muji
IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science 5 (6), 40-50, 2012
Analysis of regional economic development in the regency/municipality at South Sulawesi province in Indonesia
S Fattah, A Rahman
Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development 4 (1), 1-9, 2013
The influence of akhlaq to tax compliance behavior, and Niyyah as mediating variable of Moslem taxpayers in Malaysia
SF Lince Bulutoding, Ambo Asse, Abd Hamid Habbe
Scientific Research Journal (SCIRJ) 6 (1), 26-34, 2018
Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
S Fattah
Jakarta: CV. Teguh Karya, 2008
Skema Pembiayaan Perbankan Daerah Menurut Karaketristik UMKM Pada Sektor Ekonomi Unggulan di Sulawesi Selatan
HMY Zain, S Fattah, L Djauhariah, B Siswadharma, B Mustari, MJ Tadjibu
Diakses dari : https://www.academia.edu/34214683/Nadya 23, 2007
Pengangguran Terdidik di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
M Nur, MY Zain, S Fattah
Jurnal Analisis 5 (1), 29-30, 2016
The influence of religious values, social factor and service quality in individual customer decision using Murabahah financial on Islamic banks, Indonesia
M Kapriani, Y Zain, O Lewangka, S Fattah
International Journal of Scientific and Technology Research 3 (2), 211-214, 2014
Analisis Ketergantungan Fiskal Pemerintah Daerah Di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan Pada Era Otonomi Daerah
S Fattah
Prosiding Seminas 1 (2), 2012
The Effect of Intellectual Capital Disclosures on Local Government Financial Performance and theIntergovernmental Revenue as the Moderating Variable
SF Hisyam Ichsan, Darwis Said
Journal of Research in Business and Management 6 (5), 46-53, 2018
Exploring of Tax Compliance: Tax Practitioners Interpretation
Syamsudin, S Haerani, RA Damayanti, S Fattah
Madani Multidiciplinary Journal 3 (2), 392-403, 2023
Konvergensi pertumbuhan ekonomi daerah di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
MA Muhammad, S Fattah, NDS Saudi
Jurnal Bahana Manajemen Pendidikan 12 (2), 24-30, 2023
Pengaruh Indikator Makroekonomi, Upah Minimum, dan Demografis Terhadap Pengagguran di Indonesia
SS Nursinah Amrullah, Sanusi Fattah
SEIKO: Journal of Management & Business 5 (1), 227-242, 2022
Determinan Ketimpangan Pendapatan Masyarakat di Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan
S Fattah, AN Fadillah, S Suhab
Jurnal Ekonomika Dan Dinamika Sosial 1 (1), 108-125, 2022
Penerapan Teknologi Vermicomposting dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Pertanian di Desa Massila Kabupaten Bone
ACAS Sanusi Fattah Abri
Ecosystem 21 (3), 644-653, 2021
Effectiveness and Efficiency Analysis of Mucipal Tax Revenue and Its Contribution toward Locally Generated Revenue in Sidereng Rappang District
AS Sartina Sartina, Sanusi Fattah
Hasanuddin Journal of Business Strategy 3 (1), 103-110, 2021
The effect of feeding bull Bali cattle kept in extensive husbandry system with concentrates contained gliricidia sepium leaf meal and banana strach tuber meal on their feed …
S Fattah, YUL Sobang, FD Samba, E Hartati, MMJ Kapa, YL Henuk
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science 122 (1), 012132, 2018
Determinants and Effects Structural Economic Change On Employment and Income Inequality in East Kalimantan
S Anwar, MY Zain, S Fattah, AH Paddu
International Journal of Education and Research 4 (2), 179-196, 2016
Dampak Pemekaran Kabupaten Tanah Toraja Terhadap Kinerja Perekonomian, Keuangan, Pelayanan Publik dan Aparatur Pemerintah Daerah
I Afriani, AK Saleh, S Fatah
Jurnal Pacasarjana Universitas Hasanudin, 2013
Analysis of digital transformation on the economic growth of culinary business In Makassar City
N Nurcahyadi, AI Anwar, S Fattah
Jurnal Mantik 7 (2), 907-915, 2023
Determinan Permintaan Kredit Pemilikan Rumah di Indonesia
N Triwidyastuti
Universitas Hasanuddin, 2023
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