Patrick Espy
Patrick Espy
Professor of Atmospheric Physics, NTNU
在 ntnu.no 的电子邮件经过验证
Franck–Condon Factors, r‐Centroids, Electronic Transition Moments, and Einstein Coefficients for Many Nitrogen and Oxygen Band Systems
FR Gilmore, RR Laher, PJ Espy
Journal of physical and chemical reference data 21 (5), 1005-1107, 1992
The Aeronomy of Ice in the Mesosphere (AIM) mission: Overview and early science results
JM Russell III, SM Bailey, LL Gordley, DW Rusch, M Horányi, ME Hervig, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 71 (3-4), 289-299, 2009
Observations of stratospheric warmings and mesospheric coolings by the TIMED SABER instrument
DE Siskind, L Coy, P Espy
Geophysical Research Letters 32 (9), 2005
The excitation and collisional deactivation of metastable N (²P) atoms in auroras
EC Zipf, PJ Espy, CF Boyle
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 85 (A2), 687-694, 1980
Trends and variability of mesospheric temperature at high-latitudes
PJ Espy, J Stegman
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 27 (6-8), 543-553, 2002
Interannual variations of the quasi‐16‐day oscillation in the polar summer mesospheric temperature
PJ Espy, J Stegman, G Witt
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 102 (D2), 1983-1990, 1997
Evidence for non‐local‐thermodynamic‐equilibrium rotation in the OH nightglow
WR Pendleton Jr, PJ Espy, MR Hammond
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 98 (A7), 11567-11579, 1993
Comparison of mesospheric winds from a high-altitude meteorological analysis system and meteor radar observations during the boreal winters of 2009–2010 and 2012–2013
J McCormack, K Hoppel, D Kuhl, R De Wit, G Stober, P Espy, N Baker, ...
Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics 154, 132-166, 2017
Seasonal variations of the gravity wave momentum flux in the Antarctic mesosphere and lower thermosphere
PJ Espy, GOL Jones, GR Swenson, J Tang, MJ Taylor
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D23), 2004
Measurements of ultraviolet radiation from a 5-km/s bow shock
PW Erdman, EC Zipf, P Espy, CL Howlett, DA Levin, RJ Collins, ...
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 8 (3), 441-446, 1994
Stratospheric gravity wave characteristics and seasonal variations observed by lidar at the South Pole and Rothera, Antarctica
C Yamashita, X Chu, HL Liu, PJ Espy, GJ Nott, W Huang
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 114 (D12), 2009
ALOHA‐93 measurements of intrinsic AGW characteristics using airborne airglow imager and groundbased Na wind/temperature lidar
GR Swenson, MJ Taylor, PJ Espy, C Gardner, X Tac
Geophysical research letters 22 (20), 2841-2844, 1995
Flight measurements of low-velocity bow shock ultraviolet radiation
PW Erdman, EC Zipf, P Espy, C Howlett, DA Levin, R Loda, RJ Collins, ...
Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 7 (1), 37-41, 1993
Observations of gravity wave forcing of the mesopause region during the January 2013 major Sudden Stratospheric Warming
RJ De Wit, RE Hibbins, PJ Espy, YJ Orsolini, V Limpasuvan, DE Kinnison
Geophysical Research Letters 41 (13), 4745-4752, 2014
Mesospheric Na layer at extreme high latitudes in summer
JMC Plane, RM Cox, J Qian, WM Pfenninger, GC Papen, CS Gardner, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 103 (D6), 6381-6389, 1998
Springtime transition in lower thermospheric atomic oxygen
GG Shepherd, J Stegman, P Espy, C Mclandress, G Thuillier, RH Wiens
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 104 (A1), 213-223, 1999
Toward an improved representation of middle atmospheric dynamics thanks to the ARISE project
E Blanc, L Ceranna, A Hauchecorne, A Charlton-Perez, E Marchetti, ...
Surveys in geophysics 39, 171-225, 2018
Simultaneous intensity, temperature and imaging measurements of short period wave structure in the OH nightglow emission
MJ Taylor, PJ Espy, DJ Baker, RJ Sica, PC Neal, WR Pendleton Jr
Planetary and space science 39 (8), 1171-1188, 1991
Observations of planetary waves in the mesosphere-lower thermosphere during stratospheric warming events
NH Stray, YJ Orsolini, PJ Espy, V Limpasuvan, RE Hibbins
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 15 (9), 4997-5005, 2015
Polar mesospheric clouds observed by an iron Boltzmann lidar at Rothera (67.5 S, 68.0 W), Antarctica from 2002 to 2005: Properties and implications
X Chu, PJ Espy, GJ Nott, JC Diettrich, CS Gardner
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 111 (D20), 2006
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