Local economy C Collins | 1163 | 1996 |
A smuggling approach to the passive in English C Collins Syntax 8 (2), 81-120, 2005 | 987 | 2005 |
Eliminating labels C Collins Derivation and explanation in the Minimalist Program, 42-64, 2002 | 647 | 2002 |
VP-internal structure and object shift in Icelandic C Collins, H Thráinsson Linguistic inquiry, 391-444, 1996 | 409 | 1996 |
Argument sharing in serial verb constructions C Collins Linguistic inquiry, 461-497, 1997 | 381 | 1997 |
Classical NEG raising: An essay on the syntax of negation C Collins, PM Postal MIT press, 2014 | 300* | 2014 |
A formalization of minimalist syntax C Collins, E Stabler Syntax 19 (1), 43-78, 2016 | 283 | 2016 |
The handbook of contemporary syntactic theory M Baltin, C Collins Blackwell, 2001 | 283* | 2001 |
Economy of derivation and the generalized proper binding condition C Collins Linguistic inquiry 25 (1), 45-61, 1994 | 271 | 1994 |
Quotative inversion C Collins, P Branigan Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 15 (1), 1-41, 1997 | 259 | 1997 |
A smuggling approach to raising in English C Collins Linguistic Inquiry 36 (2), 289-298, 2005 | 209 | 2005 |
Imposters: A study of pronominal agreement C Collins, PM Postal MIT Press, 2012 | 203 | 2012 |
Topics in Ewe syntax CT Collins Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1993 | 165 | 1993 |
Why and How Come C Collins MIT Working Papers in Linguistics 15, 31-45, 1991 | 156 | 1991 |
Linkers and the Internal Structure of vP MC Baker, C Collins Natural Language & Linguistic Theory 24 (2), 307-354, 2006 | 150* | 2006 |
Object shift in double object constructions and the theory of Case C Collins, H Thráinsson | 137 | 1993 |
Home sweet home C Collins NYU working papers in linguistics 1, 1-34, 2007 | 126 | 2007 |
Economy conditions in syntax C Collins The handbook of contemporary syntactic theory, 45-61, 2001 | 126 | 2001 |
Multiple verb movement in≠ Hoan C Collins Linguistic Inquiry 33 (1), 1-29, 2002 | 115 | 2002 |
Equivalent forms of the Boston naming test FJ Huff Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology 8 (5), 556-562, 1986 | 102 | 1986 |