Shengfang Ma
Shengfang Ma
Graduate student of computer science, Oklahoma State University
在 okstate.edu 的电子邮件经过验证
Application of the water-related spectral reflectance indices: A review
S Ma, Y Zhou, PH Gowda, J Dong, G Zhang, VG Kakani, P Wagle, L Chen, ...
Ecological indicators 98, 68-79, 2019
Climate effects on tallgrass prairie responses to continuous and rotational grazing
Y Zhou, PH Gowda, P Wagle, S Ma, JPS Neel, VG Kakani, JL Steiner
Agronomy 9 (5), 219, 2019
The potential of active and passive remote sensing to detect frequent harvesting of alfalfa
Y Zhou, KC Flynn, PH Gowda, P Wagle, S Ma, VG Kakani, JL Steiner
International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation 104 …, 2021
Evaluating the impacts of continuous and rotational grazing on tallgrass prairie landscape using high-spatial-resolution imagery
S Ma, Y Zhou, PH Gowda, L Chen, PJ Starks, JL Steiner, JPS Neel
Agronomy 9 (5), 238, 2019
Atmospheric correction method based on HJ-1 CCD data
C Sun, L Sun, S Ma, J Peng, J Wang, J Wen, J Cheng
Yaogan Xuebao- Journal of Remote Sensing 16 (4), 826-836, 2012
Evaluating the sensitivity of vegetation and water indices to monitor drought for three Mediterranean crops
T Yildirim, Y Zhou, KC Flynn, PH Gowda, S Ma, DN Moriasi
Agronomy Journal 113 (1), 123-134, 2021
Assessing Remote Sensing Vegetation Index Sensitivities for Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A …
KC Flynn, T Lee, D Endale, A Franzluebbers, S Ma, Y Zhou
Remote Sensing 13 (3), 521, 2021
Atmospheric correction of HJ-1 A/B CCD over land: Land surface reflectance calculation for geographical information product
Q Fu, X Min, L Sun, S Ma
Journal of Geographical Sciences 24, 1083-1094, 2014
Climate and Management Practices Jointly Control Vegetation Phenology in Native and Introduced Prairie Pastures
Y Zhou, S Ma, P Wagle, PH Gowda
Remote Sensing 15 (10), 2529, 2023
Evaluating maize (Zea mays L.) management practices implementing sensitivity analysis of vegetation indices
KC Flynn, DR Smith, TO Lee, D Laguer-Martinez, S Ma, Y Zhou
Soil and Tillage Research 244, 106266, 2024
Detecting Frequent Harvest of Alfalfa with Spatio-temporal Fused Data
W Liu, H Yang, Y Zhou, S Ma, KC Flynn, P Wagle
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, B45I-1824, 2022
Peanut Seed Germination Detection from Aerial Images
S Ma, Y Zhou, KC Flynn, SN Aakur
2022 IEEE Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR), 1-6, 2022
The potential of active and passive remote sensing to detect frequent harvesting of alfalfa
Z Yuting, KC Flynn, PH Gowda, P Wagle, S Ma, VG Kakani, JL Steiner
Remote sensing of tall fescue (Lolium arundinaceum) plant health with varying endophyte and fertilizer types: A case for improving poultry manuresheds
KC Flynn, TO Lee, DM Endale, AJ Franzluebbers, S Ma, Y Zhou
American Geophysical Union, 2020
Remote Sensing of Tall Fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) Plant Health with Varying Endophyte and Fertilizer Types: A Case for Improving Poultry Manuresheds
KC Flynn, T Lee, D Endale, A Franzluebers, S Ma, Y Zhou
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, B036-0005, 2020
Detecting frequent harvesting of alfalfa using active and passive remote sensing
Y Zhou, KC Flynn, P Gowda, P Wagle, S Ma, VG Kakani, JL Steiner
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, B036-0002, 2020
Comparing the impacts of continuous and rotational grazing on tallgrass prairie landscape using the National Agriculture Imagery Program imagery
S Ma, Y Zhou, PH Gowda, PJ Starks, JL Steiner, JPS Neel
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B33H-2578, 2019
Responses of ecosystem-atmosphere exchange to precipitation pulses in adjacent native and introduced prairie pastures
KC Flynn, S Ma, P Wagle, Y Zhou, PH Gowda, PJ Starks, R Bajgain, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B33H-2579, 2019
Responses of tallgrass prairie to continuous and rotational grazing under different climate conditions
Y Zhou, PH Gowda, P Wagle, S Ma, JPS Neel, VG Kakani, JL Steiner
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2019, B33H-2580, 2019
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