The dualistic model of passion for work: Discriminate and predictive validity with work engagement and workaholism IK Birkeland, R Buch Motivation and Emotion 39 (3), 392-408, 2015 | 202 | 2015 |
Incivility is (not) the very essence of love: Passion for work and incivility instigation. IK Birkeland, C Nerstad Journal of occupational health psychology 21 (1), 77, 2016 | 73 | 2016 |
The role of passion and support perceptions in changing burnout: A Johnson-Neyman approach. IK Birkeland, AM Richardsen, A Dysvik International Journal of Stress Management 25 (2), 163, 2018 | 53 | 2018 |
Lærende ledelse AB Emstad, IK Birkeland Skoleleders rolle i å utvikle en profesjonell læringskultur, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Fire walk with me: exploring the role of harmonious and obsessive passion in well-being and performance at work IK Birkeland BI Norwegian Business School, 2014 | 10 | 2014 |
Forpliktende HR i skolen–hvordan skoleledere kan utvikle lærernes prestasjoner og indre motivasjon gjennom evidensbasert HR. I Aas, M. og Merok, J.(Red.) IK Birkeland, A Dysvik, B Kuvaas Ledelse i fremtidens skole, 73-90, 2017 | 7 | 2017 |
Obsessive passion for work and organizational citizenship behavior: a curvilinear investigation IK Birkeland Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 16076, 2015 | 6 | 2015 |
Passion for work and interpersonal relationships IK Birkeland Passion for work: Theory, research, and applications, 357-385, 2019 | 5 | 2019 |
Undersøkelse om lokale lønnstillegg i barnehage og skole B Kuvaas, IK Birkeland Handelshøyskolen BI, 2018 | 4 | 2018 |
Leaders’ collaborative problem-solving behavior in conversations in Norway and New Zealand F Meyer, IK Birkeland, AB Emstad, DM Le Fevre International journal of leadership in education 26 (6), 937-959, 2023 | 1 | 2023 |