Guillaume Demésy
Guillaume Demésy
Universite Aix Marseille
在 fresnel.fr 的电子邮件经过验证
Quasinormal mode solvers for resonators with dispersive materials
P Lalanne, W Yan, A Gras, C Sauvan, JP Hugonin, M Besbes, G Demésy, ...
JOSA A 36 (4), 686-704, 2019
The finite element method as applied to the diffraction by an anisotropic grating
G Demésy, F Zolla, A Nicolet, M Commandré, C Fossati
Optics Express 15 (26), 18089-18102, 2007
Solar energy trapping with modulated silicon nanowire photonic crystals
G Demésy, S John
Journal of Applied Physics 112 (7), 2012
Extracting an accurate model for permittivity from experimental data: hunting complex poles from the real line
M Garcia-Vergara, G Demésy, F Zolla
Optics letters 42 (6), 1145-1148, 2017
All-purpose finite element formulation for arbitrarily shaped crossed-gratings embedded in a multilayered stack
G Demésy, F Zolla, A Nicolet, M Commandré
JOSA A 27 (4), 878-889, 2010
Photonics in highly dispersive media: the exact modal expansion
F Zolla, A Nicolet, G Demésy
Optics letters 43 (23), 5813-5816, 2018
Correlated disordered plasmonic nanostructures arrays for augmented reality
H Bertin, Y Brule, G Magno, T Lopez, P Gogol, L Pradere, B Gralak, ...
ACS photonics 5 (7), 2661-2668, 2018
Versatile full-vectorial finite element model for crossed gratings
G Demésy, F Zolla, A Nicolet, M Commandré
Optics letters 34 (14), 2216-2218, 2009
Calculation and analysis of the complex band structure of dispersive and dissipative two-dimensional photonic crystals
Y Brûlé, B Gralak, G Demésy
JOSA B 33 (4), 691-702, 2016
Resonant metamaterial absorbers for infrared spectral filtering: quasimodal analysis, design, fabrication, and characterization
B Vial, G Demésy, F Zolla, A Nicolet, M Commandré, C Hecquet, T Begou, ...
JOSA B 31 (6), 1339-1346, 2014
Scattering matrix of arbitrarily shaped objects: combining finite elements and vector partial waves
G Demésy, JC Auger, B Stout
JOSA A 35 (8), 1401-1409, 2018
Non-linear eigenvalue problems with GetDP and SLEPc: Eigenmode computations of frequency-dispersive photonic open structures
G Demésy, A Nicolet, B Gralak, C Geuzaine, C Campos, JE Roman
Computer Physics Communications 257, 107509, 2020
Gratings: Theory and numeric applications
T Antonakakis, FI Baida, A Belkhir, K Cherednichenko, S Cooper, ...
AMU,(PUP), CNRS, ECM, 2014
Multipolar effects on the dipolar polarizability of magneto-electric antennas
S Varault, B Rolly, G Boudarham, G Demésy, B Stout, N Bonod
Optics express 21 (14), 16444-16454, 2013
Electromagnetic modeling of large subwavelength-patterned highly resonant structures
PC Chaumet, G Demésy, O Gauthier-Lafaye, A Sentenac, E Popov, ...
Optics Letters 41 (10), 2358-2361, 2016
Nanoscale switching of near-infrared hot spots in plasmonic oligomers probed by two-photon absorption in photopolymers
Y Zhang, G Demesy, M Haggui, D Gérard, J Béal, S Dodson, Q Xiong, ...
ACS photonics 5 (3), 918-928, 2017
Revolution analysis of three-dimensional arbitrary cloaks
G Dupont, S Guenneau, S Enoch, G Demesy, A Nicolet, F Zolla, A Diatta
Optics express 17 (25), 22603-22608, 2009
Design, fabrication and characterization of resonant metamaterial filters for infrared multispectral imaging
M Commandré, B Vial, S Tisserand, L Roux, H Dallaporta, F Bedu, ...
Thin Solid Films 592, 296-304, 2015
Continuous family of exact Dispersive Quasi-Normal Modal (DQNM) expansions for dispersive photonic structures
MD Truong, A Nicolet, G Demésy, F Zolla
Optics express 28 (20), 29016-29032, 2020
Two-dimensional grating for narrow-band filtering with large angular tolerances
E Popov, AL Fehrembach, Y Brûlé, G Demésy, P Boyer
Optics Express 24 (13), 14974-14985, 2016
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