Meredith Thompson
Meredith Thompson
UX Researcher
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Remote learning guidance from state education agencies during the COVID-19 pandemic: A first look
J Reich, CJ Buttimer, A Fang, G Hillaire, K Hirsch, LR Larke, ...
EdArXiv, 2020
Teacher Moments: A Digital Simulation for Preservice Teachers to Approximate Parent–Teacher Conversations, Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education,
RSJR Meredith Thompson, Kesiena Owho-Ovuakporie, Kevin Robinson, Yoon Jeon Kim
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 2019
Teacher Moments: A Digital Simulation for Preservice Teachers to Approximate Parent–Teacher Conversations,
RSJR Meredith Thompson, Kesiena Owho-Ovuakporie, Kevin Robinson, Yoon Jeon Kim
Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education, 2019
Building a structure of support: An inside look at the structure of women in engineering programs
MT Knight, CM Cunningham
Journal of Women and Minorities in Science and Engineering 10 (1), 2004
Iterative user and expert feedback in the design of an educational virtual reality biology game
A Wang, M Thompson, D Roy, K Pan, J Perry, P Tan, R Eberhart, ...
Interactive Learning Environments 30 (4), 677-694, 2022
Authenticity, interactivity, and collaboration in virtual reality games: Best practices and lessons learned
A Wang, M Thompson, C Uz-Bilgin, E Klopfer
Frontiers in Virtual Reality 2, 734083, 2021
Authenticity, interactivity, and collaboration in VR learning games
MM Thompson, A Wang, D Roy, E Klopfer
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 5, 133, 2018
Remote learning guidance from state education agencies during the Covid-19 pandemic: A first look. EdArXiv
J Reich, CJ Buttimer, A Fang, G Hillaire, K Hirsch, LR Larke, R Slama
Prompting connections between content and context: blending immersive virtual environments and augmented reality for environmental science learning
AM Kamarainen, M Thompson, SJ Metcalf, TA Grotzer, MS Tutwiler, ...
Immersive Learning Research Network: 4th International Conference, iLRN 2018 …, 2018
Remote Learning Guidance From State Education Agencies During the COVID-19 Pandemic: A First Look(preprint). EdArXiv
J Reich, CJ Buttimer, A Fang, G Hillaire, K Hirsch, L Larke, ...
Influence of virtual reality on high school students' conceptions of cells
MM Thompson, A Wang, C Uz Bilgin, M Anteneh, D Roy, P Tan, ...
Springer-Verlag, 2020
Immersion positively affects learning in virtual reality games compared to equally interactive 2d games
M Thompson, C Uz-Bilgin, MS Tutwiler, M Anteneh, JC Meija, A Wang, ...
Information and Learning Sciences 122 (7/8), 442-463, 2021
16 Game-Based Learning in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics
E Klopfer, M Thompson
Handbook of game-based learning, 387, 2020
Making virtual reality a reality in today's classrooms
M Thompson
The Journal: Transforming Education Through Technology, 2018
Exploring how role and background influence through analysis of spatial dialogue in collaborative problem-solving games
C Uz-Bilgin, M Thompson, M Anteneh
Journal of Science Education and Technology 29, 813-826, 2020
Practice-based teacher questioning strategy training with ELK: A role-playing simulation for eliciting learner knowledge
X Wang, M Thompson, K Yang, D Roy, KR Koedinger, CP Rose, J Reich
Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction 5 (CSCW1), 1-27, 2021
Envisioning virtual reality: A toolkit for implementing VR in education
D Kaser, K Grijalva, M Thompson
Lulu. com, 2019
Evaluation of Knowla: An online assessment and learning tool
MM Thompson, EJ Braude
Journal of Educational Computing Research 54 (4), 483-512, 2016
Processing presence: how users develop spatial presence through an immersive virtual reality game
C Uz-Bilgin, M Thompson
Virtual Reality 26 (2), 649-658, 2022
Teacher practice spaces: Examples and design considerations
J Reich, YJ Kim, K Robinson, D Roy, M Thompson
International Society of the Learning Sciences, Inc.[ISLS]., 2018
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