Can a significance test be genuinely Bayesian? CAB Pereira, JM Stern, S Wechsler | 160 | 2008 |
On the bayesianity of pereira-stern tests MR Madruga, LG Esteves, S Wechsler Test 10, 291-299, 2001 | 143 | 2001 |
On the concept of p-value CA de Bragança Pereira, S Wechsler Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics, 159-177, 1993 | 66 | 1993 |
Relationship between Bayesian and frequentist significance indices M Diniz, CAB Pereira, A Polpo, JM Stern, S Wechsler International Journal for Uncertainty Quantification 2 (2), 2012 | 40 | 2012 |
Exchangeability and predictivism S Wechsler Erkenntnis (1975-) 38 (3), 343-350, 1993 | 28 | 1993 |
A Bayesian Look at Nonidentifiability: A Simple Example S Wechsler, R Izbicki, LG Esteves The American Statistician 67 (2), 90-93, 2013 | 25 | 2013 |
Independent regulation of chylomicron lipolysis and particle removal rates: effects of insulin and thyroid hormones on the metabolism of artificial chylomicrons CV Zerbinatti, HCF Oliveira, S Wechesler, ECR Quintao Metabolism 40 (11), 1122-1127, 1991 | 18 | 1991 |
Birnbaum’s Theorem Redux S Wechsler, CAB Pereira, PC Marques F AIP Conference Proceedings 1073 (AIP Conference Proceedings, v. 1073, p. 96 …, 2008 | 17 | 2008 |
A Bayesian Decision-Theoretic Approach to Logically-Consistent Hypothesis Testing GMS ,Luis Gustavo Esteves , Victor Fossaluza , Rafael Izbicki, Sergio Wechsler Entropy 17, 6534-6559, 2015 | 16 | 2015 |
Teaching independence and exchangeability LK Cordani, S Wechsler Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Teaching Statistics …, 2006 | 15 | 2006 |
Improved significance probabilities of the Wilcoxon test JL Hodges Jr, PH Ramsey, S Wechsler Journal of Educational Statistics 15 (3), 249-265, 1990 | 14 | 1990 |
Classical and Bayes approaches to environmental stress screening (ESS): a comparison RE Barlow, I Bazovsky, S Wechsler Annual Proceedings on Reliability and Maintainability Symposium, 81-84, 1990 | 13 | 1990 |
A bayesian approach to environmental stress screening RE Barlow, CAB Pereira, S Wechsler Naval Research Logistics (NRL) 41 (2), 215-228, 1994 | 9 | 1994 |
A discrete Bayes explanation of a failure-rate paradox F Rodrigues, S Wechsler Reliability, IEEE Transactions on 42 (1), 132-133, 1993 | 8 | 1993 |
Indifference, neutrality and informativeness: Generalizing the three prisoners paradox S Wechsler, LG Esteves, A Simonis, C Peixoto Synthese 143, 255-272, 2005 | 6 | 2005 |
A note on extendibility and predictivistic inference in finite populations PL Iglesias, RH Loschi, CAB Pereira, S Wechsler | 4 | 2009 |
The Gambler's fallacy:: a bayesian approach F Bonassi, RB Stern, S Wechsler | 4 | 2008 |
Coherence, Bayes´s Theorem and Posterior Distributions R Loschi, S Wechsler Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 16, 169-185, 2002 | 4 | 2002 |
DeFinettian consensus LG Esteves, S Wechsler, JG Leite, VA González-López Theory and decision 49, 79-96, 2000 | 4 | 2000 |
Onde Finettian Decision-Making S Wechsler | 4 | 1989 |