Ezra Wood
Ezra Wood
Department of Chemistry, Drexel University
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Evolution of organic aerosols in the atmosphere
JL Jimenez, MR Canagaratna, NM Donahue, ASH Prevot, Q Zhang, ...
science 326 (5959), 1525-1529, 2009
Application of quantum cascade lasers to high-precision atmospheric trace gas measurements
JB McManus, MS Zahniser, DD Nelson Jr, JH Shorter, S Herndon, ...
Optical Engineering 49 (11), 111124-111124-11, 2010
Correlation of secondary organic aerosol with odd oxygen in Mexico City
SC Herndon, TB Onasch, EC Wood, JH Kroll, MR Canagaratna, JT Jayne, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 35 (15), 2008
On-road measurement of gas and particle phase pollutant emission factors for individual heavy-duty diesel trucks
TR Dallmann, SJ DeMartini, TW Kirchstetter, SC Herndon, TB Onasch, ...
Environmental science & technology 46 (15), 8511-8518, 2012
On alkyl nitrates, O3, and the “missing NOy”
DA Day, MB Dillon, PJ Wooldridge, JA Thornton, RS Rosen, EC Wood, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 108 (D16), 2003
A practical alternative to chemiluminescence-based detection of nitrogen dioxide: Cavity attenuated phase shift spectroscopy
PL Kebabian, EC Wood, SC Herndon, A Freedman
Environmental science & technology 42 (16), 6040-6045, 2008
Gas turbine engine emissions—Part II: Chemical properties of particulate matter
MT Timko, TB Onasch, MJ Northway, JT Jayne, MR Canagaratna, ...
Investigation of the correlation between odd oxygen and secondary organic aerosol in Mexico City and Houston
EC Wood, MR Canagaratna, SC Herndon, TB Onasch, CE Kolb, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10, 8947-8968, 2010
Short-term variation in near-highway air pollutant gradients on a winter morning
JL Durant, CA Ash, EC Wood, SC Herndon, JT Jayne, WB Knighton, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 10 (17), 8341-8352, 2010
Hit from both sides: tracking industrial and volcanic plumes in Mexico City with surface measurements and OMI SO2 retrievals during the MILAGRO field campaign
B De Foy, NA Krotkov, N Bei, SC Herndon, LG Huey, AP Martínez, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (24), 9599-9617, 2009
Observations of total alkyl nitrates during Texas Air Quality Study 2000: Implications for O3 and alkyl nitrate photochemistry
RS Rosen, EC Wood, PJ Wooldridge, JA Thornton, DA Day, W Kuster, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres 109 (D7), 2004
Evolution of vehicle exhaust particles in the atmosphere
MR Canagaratna, TB Onasch, EC Wood, SC Herndon, JT Jayne, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 60 (10), 1192-1203, 2010
Combustion products of petroleum jet fuel, a Fischer–Tropsch synthetic fuel, and a biomass fatty acid methyl ester fuel for a gas turbine engine
MT Timko, SC Herndon, E De La Rosa Blanco, EC Wood, Z Yu, ...
Combustion Science and Technology 183 (10), 1039-1068, 2011
Prototype for in situ detection of atmospheric NO3 and N2O5 via laser-induced fluorescence
EC Wood, PJ Wooldridge, JH Freese, T Albrecht, RC Cohen
Environmental science & technology 37 (24), 5732-5738, 2003
Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric HONO and NO2 via absorption spectroscopy using tunable mid-infrared continuous-wave quantum cascade lasers
BH Lee, EC Wood, MS Zahniser, JB McManus, DD Nelson, SC Herndon, ...
Applied Physics B 102, 417-423, 2011
A case study of ozone production, nitrogen oxides, and the radical budget in Mexico City
EC Wood, SC Herndon, TB Onasch, JH Kroll, MR Canagaratna, CE Kolb, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (7), 2499-2516, 2009
Determination of the emissions from an aircraft auxiliary power unit (APU) during the Alternative Aviation Fuel Experiment (AAFEX)
JS Kinsey, MT Timko, SC Herndon, EC Wood, Z Yu, RC Miake-Lye, ...
Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association 62 (4), 420-430, 2012
Evaluation of mobile emissions contributions to Mexico City's emissions inventory using on-road and cross-road emission measurements and ambient data
M Zavala, SC Herndon, EC Wood, TB Onasch, WB Knighton, LC Marr, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 9 (17), 6305-6317, 2009
Speciation and chemical evolution of nitrogen oxides in aircraft exhaust near airports
EC Wood, SC Herndon, MT Timko, PE Yelvington, RC Miake-Lye
Environmental science & technology 42 (6), 1884-1891, 2008
Measurements of N2O5, NO2, and O3 east of the San Francisco Bay
EC Wood, TH Bertram, PJ Wooldridge, RC Cohen
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 5 (2), 483-491, 2005
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