Suzan Kommers
Suzan Kommers
University of Massachusetts Amherst
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Narrowed gaps and persistent challenges: Examining rural-nonrural disparities in postsecondary outcomes over time
RS Wells, CA Manly, S Kommers, E Kimball
American Journal of Education 126 (1), 1-31, 2019
Criticality in international higher education research: A critical discourse analysis of higher education journals
CA George Mwangi, S Latafat, S Hammond, S Kommers, H S. Thoma, ...
Higher Education 76, 1091-1107, 2018
3D modeling and printing in history/social studies classrooms: Initial lessons and insights
R Maloy, S Kommers, A Malinowski, I LaRoche
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education 17 (2), 229-249, 2017
Who are rural students? How definitions of rurality affect research on college completion
CA Manly, RS Wells, S Kommers
Research in Higher Education 61, 764-779, 2020
How Tinto’s theory differs for Asian and non-Asian international students: A quantitative study
S Kommers, D Pham
Journal of International Students 6 (4), 999-1014, 2016
The influence of STEM definitions for research on women’s college attainment
CA Manly, RS Wells, S Kommers
International journal of STEM education 5, 1-5, 2018
Graduate and professional education for students with disabilities: Examining access to STEM, legal, and health fields in the United States
R Wells, S Kommers
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 69 (2), 672-686, 2022
Inequalities in study abroad and student mobility
S Kommers, K Bista
Routledge, 2021
S. Thoma, H., Berger, J., & Blanco-Ramirez, G.(2018). Criticality in international higher education research: A critical discourse analysis of higher education journals
CA George Mwangi, S Latafat, S Hammond, S Kommers
Higher Education 76 (6), 1091-1107, 0
College students with disabilities experiences with financial, social, and emotional costs on campus in the United States
A Fox, M Hedayet, KE Mansour, S Kommers, R Wells
International Journal of Disability, Development and Education 69 (1), 106-120, 2022
Study abroad and student mobility: From educational experience to emerging enterprise
S Kommers, K Bista
Inequalities in study abroad and student mobility, 1-8, 2020
Are Some Horizons Broader than Others? Study Abroad, Inequality, and the Influence on Careers and Education.
S Kommers
‘Going global’: comparing access to global learning experiences in the online social networks of Turkish-Dutch, Moroccan-Dutch, and native-Dutch youth
S Kommers, M de Haan
Intercultural Education 32 (2), 194-211, 2021
Stop commercializing the value of studying abroad: The lack of an effect of study abroad on early career income of US graduates
S Kommers
Home and abroad: International student experiences and graduate …, 2022
1 Study Abroad and Student Mobility
S Kommers, K Bista
Inequalities in Study Abroad and Student Mobility: Navigating Challenges and …, 2020
ScholarWorks@ UMass Amherst
CA Manly, RS Wells, S Kommers
From 2D Thinking to 3D Printing: Preservice and In-Service Teacher Teams Explore a New Technology
RW Maloy, S Kommers
Advancing Next-Generation Teacher Education through Digital Tools and …, 2017
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