Marlene Hahn
Marlene Hahn
The Morton Arboretum
在 mortonarb.org 的电子邮件经过验证
Genomic landscape of the global oak phylogeny
AL Hipp, PS Manos, M Hahn, M Avishai, C Bodénès, J Cavender‐Bares, ...
New Phytologist 226 (4), 1198-1212, 2020
Sympatric parallel diversification of major oak clades in the Americas and the origins of Mexican species diversity
AL Hipp, PS Manos, A González‐Rodríguez, M Hahn, M Kaproth, ...
New Phytologist 217 (1), 439-452, 2018
The Bacillus subtilis spore coat protein interaction network
H Kim, M Hahn, P Grabowski, DC McPherson, MM Otte, R Wang, ...
Molecular microbiology 59 (2), 487-502, 2006
Genotyping-by-sequencing as a tool to infer phylogeny and ancestral hybridization: a case study in Carex (Cyperaceae)
M Escudero, DAR Eaton, M Hahn, AL Hipp
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 79, 359-367, 2014
Phylogeny and biogeography of East Asian evergreen oaks (Quercus section Cyclobalanopsis; Fagaceae): insights into the Cenozoic history of evergreen broad-leaved forests in …
M Deng, XL Jiang, AL Hipp, PS Manos, M Hahn
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 119, 170-181, 2018
Tackling rapid radiations with targeted sequencing
I Larridon, T Villaverde, AR Zuntini, L Pokorny, GE Brewer, N Epitawalage, ...
Frontiers in plant science 10, 1655, 2020
A tale of worldwide success: Behind the scenes of Carex (Cyperaceae) biogeography and diversification
S Martín‐Bravo, P Jiménez‐Mejías, T Villaverde, M Escudero, M Hahn, ...
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 57 (6), 695-718, 2019
A framework infrageneric classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) and its organizing principles
Global Carex Group, EH Roalson, P Jiménez‐Mejías, AL Hipp, ...
Journal of Systematics and Evolution 59 (4), 726-762, 2021
A new classification of Carex (Cyperaceae) subgenera supported by a HybSeq backbone phylogenetic tree
T Villaverde, P Jimenez-Mejias, M Luceño, MJ Waterway, S Kim, B Lee, ...
Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 194 (2), 141-163, 2020
White-tailed deer are a biotic filter during community assembly, reducing species and phylogenetic diversity
DR Begley-Miller, AL Hipp, BH Brown, M Hahn, TP Rooney
AoB plants 6, plu030, 2014
Megaphylogenetic specimen-level approaches to the Carex (Cyperaceae) phylogeny using ITS, ETS, and matK sequences: implications for classification
P Jiménez-Mejías, M Hahn, K Lueders, JR Starr, BH Brown, ...
Systematic Botany 41 (3), 500-518, 2016
Characterization of the Bacillus subtilis Spore Morphogenetic Coat Protein CotO
DC McPherson, H Kim, M Hahn, R Wang, P Grabowski, P Eichenberger, ...
Journal of bacteriology 187 (24), 8278-8290, 2005
Chromosomal rearrangements in holocentric organisms lead to reproductive isolation by hybrid dysfunction: the correlation between karyotype rearrangements and germination rates …
M Escudero, M Hahn, BH Brown, K Lueders, AL Hipp
American journal of botany 103 (8), 1529-1536, 2016
Genomic Identity of White Oak Species in an Eastern North American Syngameon1
AL Hipp, AT Whittemore, M Garner, M Hahn, E Fitzek, E Guichoux, ...
Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden 104 (3), 455-477, 2019
How sensitive are climatic niche inferences to distribution data sampling? A comparison of Biota of North America Program (BONAP) and Global Biodiversity Information Facility …
JE Pender, AL Hipp, M Hahn, J Kartesz, M Nishino, JR Starr
Ecological Informatics 54, 100991, 2019
A nuclear DNA barcode for eastern North American oaks and application to a study of hybridization in an Arboretum setting
E Fitzek, A Delcamp, E Guichoux, M Hahn, M Lobdell, AL Hipp
Ecology and evolution 8 (11), 5837-5851, 2018
Global Carex Group
T Villaverde, P Jiménez‐Mejías, M Luceño, MJ Waterway, S Kim, B Lee, ...
A new classification of Carex subgenera supported by a HybSeq backbone …, 2020
Notes on Carex (Cyperaceae) from China (II): a taxonomic revision of sect. Radicales (Kük.) Nelmes
XF Jin, JM Cen, M Hahn, YF Lu, JJ He
Phytotaxa 217 (2), 117–132-117–132, 2015
the Global Carex Group. 2019
S Martín-Bravo, P Jiménez-Mejías, T Villaverde, E Escudero, M Hahn, ...
A tale of worldwide success: behind the scenes of Carex, 695-718, 0
A phylogeny of the worlds oaks
AL Hipp, M Deng, G Grimm, E Fitzek, C Rc, TL Jennings, M Avishai, ...
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