Tradeoffs between income, biodiversity, and ecosystem functioning during tropical rainforest conversion and agroforestry intensification I Steffan-Dewenter, M Kessler, J Barkmann, MM Bos, D Buchori, S Erasmi, ... Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (12), 4973-4978, 2007 | 680 | 2007 |
Access to credit and its impact on welfare in Malawi A Diagne | 672 | 2001 |
Repayment performance in group-based credit programs in Bangladesh: An empirical analysis M Sharma, M Zeller World development 25 (10), 1731-1742, 1997 | 651 | 1997 |
The triangle of microfinance: Financial sustainability, outreach, and impact M Zeller, RL Meyer Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2002 | 625 | 2002 |
Determinants of credit rationing: A study of informal lenders and formal credit groups in Madagascar M Zeller World development 22 (12), 1895-1907, 1994 | 554 | 1994 |
Determinants of repayment performance in credit groups: The role of program design, intragroup risk pooling, and social cohesion M Zeller Economic development and cultural change 46 (3), 599-620, 1998 | 488 | 1998 |
Do farmers benefit from participating in specialty markets and cooperatives? The case of coffee marketing in Costa Rica1 M Wollni, M Zeller Agricultural economics 37 (2‐3), 243-248, 2007 | 452 | 2007 |
Market access by smallholder farmers in Malawi: Implications for technology adoption, agricultural productivity and crop income M Zeller, A Diagne, C Mataya Agricultural Economics 19 (1-2), 219-229, 1998 | 436 | 1998 |
Land use dynamics in the central highlands of Vietnam: a spatial model combining village survey data with satellite imagery interpretation D Muller, M Zeller Agricultural Economics 27 (3), 333-354, 2002 | 404 | 2002 |
Profits and poverty: Certification's troubled link for Nicaragua's organic and fairtrade coffee producers TD Beuchelt, M Zeller Ecological Economics 70 (7), 1316-1324, 2011 | 365 | 2011 |
Rural finance for food security for the poor: Implications for research and policy M Zeller, G Schrieder, J Von Braun, F Heidhues Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 1997 | 362 | 1997 |
Rural finance and poverty alleviation. M Zeller, MS Manohar Sharma | 337 | 1998 |
Using panel data to estimate the effect of rainfall shocks on smallholders food security and vulnerability in rural Ethiopia AB Demeke, A Keil, M Zeller Climatic change 108 (1), 185-206, 2011 | 310 | 2011 |
Many borrow, more save, and all insure: implications for food and micro-finance policy M Zeller, M Sharma Food policy 25 (2), 143-167, 2000 | 245 | 2000 |
What determines farmers’ resilience towards ENSO-related drought? An empirical assessment in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia A Keil, M Zeller, A Wida, B Sanim, R Birner Climatic Change 86, 291-307, 2008 | 213 | 2008 |
Review of poverty assessment tools M Zeller Accelerated Microenterprise Advancement Project, http://www. microlinks. org …, 2004 | 203 | 2004 |
Income diversification of rural households in Central Sulawesi, Indonesia S Schwarze, M Zeller Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 44 (1), 61-74, 2005 | 200 | 2005 |
Household energy economics in rural Ethiopia: A cost-benefit analysis of biogas energy SG Gwavuya, S Abele, I Barfuss, M Zeller, J Müller Renewable Energy 48, 202-209, 2012 | 182 | 2012 |
The Impact of Access to Credit on the Adoption of hybrid maize in Malawi: An Empirical test of an Agricultural Household Model under credit market failure F Simtowe, M Zeller | 180 | 2006 |