Charles J. Taylor
Charles J. Taylor
Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky
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Ground-water-level monitoring and the importance of long-term water-level data
CJ Taylor, WM Alley
US Geological Survey, 2001
Hydrogeologic characterization and methods used in the investigation of karst hydrology
CJ Taylor, EA Greene
Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and …, 2008
Sediment carbon fate in phreatic karst (Part 1): Conceptual model development
A Husic, J Fox, C Agouridis, J Currens, W Ford, C Taylor
Journal of Hydrology 549, 179-193, 2017
Quantitative approaches in characterizing karst aquifers
CJ Taylor, EA Greene
Kuniansky, EL, 164-166, 2001
Sediment carbon fate in phreatic karst (Part 2): Numerical model development and application
A Husic, J Fox, W Ford, C Agouridis, J Currens, C Taylor
Journal of Hydrology 549, 208-219, 2017
The value of long-term ground water level monitoring.
WM Alley, CJ Taylor
Ground Water 39 (6), 801-802, 2001
Directions of ground-water flow and locations of ground-water divides in the Lost River watershed near Orleans, Indiana
ER Bayless, CJ Taylor, MS Hopkins
Water-Resources Investigations Report, 1994
Ground-water occurrence and movement associated with sinkhole alignments in the Inner Bluegrass Karst Region of central Kentucky
CJ Taylor
University of Kentucky, 1992
A conceptual model of epikarst processes across sites, seasons, and storm events
BW Tobin, JS Polk, SM Arpin, A Shelley, C Taylor
Journal of Hydrology 596, 125692, 2021
Significance of exchanging SSURGO and STATSGO data when modeling hydrology in diverse physiographic terranes
TN Williamson, CJ Taylor, JK Newson
Soil Science Society of America Journal 77 (3), 877-889, 2013
Hydrogeologic-framework mapping of shallow, conduit-dominated karst—components of a regional GIS-based approach
CJ Taylor, HL Nelson, G Hileman, WP Kaiser
US Geological Survey Karst Interest Group Proceedings. Rapid City, South …, 2005
Surface-water and karst groundwater interactions and streamflow-response simulations of the karst-influenced upper Lost River watershed, Orange County, Indiana
ER Bayless, PJ Cinotto, RL Ulery, CJ Taylor, GK McCombs, MH Kim, ...
Scientific Investigations Report, 2014
Hydrogeologic characterization and methods used in the investigation of karst hydrology, Chapter 3: Field techniques for estimating water fluxes between surface water and …
CJ Taylor, EA Greene
US Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, 2008
Ground-water-level monitoring and the importance of long-term water-level data: US Geological Survey Circular 1217, 68 p
CJ Taylor, WM Alley
Also available at http://pubs. usgs. gov/circ/circ1217/, 2001
Initial findings from the karst water instrumentation system station, royal spring groundwater basin, Kentucky Horse park 2010-2014
JC Currens, CJ Taylor, S Webb, J Zhu, S Workman, C Agouridis, J Fox, ...
Proceedings Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium, Kentucky Water …, 2015
Comparison of approaches for efficient gene silencing induced by microRNA-based short hairpin RNA and indicator gene expression
ZX Shan, QX Lin, CY Deng, ZL Zhou, HH Tan, YH Fu, XH Li, JN Zhu, ...
Molecular biology reports 37, 1831-1839, 2010
Enhanced CAH dechlorination in a low permeability, variably-saturated medium
JP Martin, RA Brennan, KS Sorenson, LN Peterson, GH Bures
Proc., Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds: The 3rd Int. Conf, 2002
Assessing methane in shallow groundwater in unconventional oil and gas play areas, eastern Kentucky
J Zhu, TM Parris, CJ Taylor, SE Webb, B Davidson, R Smath, ...
Groundwater 56 (3), 413-424, 2018
Description and evaluation of numerical groundwater flow models for the Edwards aquifer, south-central Texas
RJ Lindgren, CJ Taylor, NA Houston
Scientific Investigations Report, 2009
Application of Geographic Information System (GIS) Hydrologic Data Modelsto Karst Terrain
CJ Taylor, WP Kaiser, HL Nelson, Jr
Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst, 146-155, 2008
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