Luca Sitzia
Luca Sitzia
Universidad de Tarapacá, Arica, Chile
Inland human settlement in southern Arabia 55,000 years ago. New evidence from the Wadi Surdud Middle Paleolithic site complex, western Yemen
A Delagnes, C Tribolo, P Bertran, M Brenet, R Crassard, J Jaubert, ...
Journal of human evolution 63 (3), 452-474, 2012
Distribution and chronology of P leistocene permafrost features in F rance: Database and first results
P Bertran, E Andrieux, P Antoine, S Coutard, L Deschodt, P Gardère, ...
Boreas 43 (3), 699-711, 2014
Inland aeolian deposits of south‐west France: facies, stratigraphy and chronology
P Bertran, MD Bateman, M Hernandez, N Mercier, D Millet, L Sitzia, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 26 (4), 374-388, 2011
A map of Pleistocene aeolian deposits in Western Europe, with special emphasis on France
P Bertran, M Liard, L Sitzia, H Tissoux
Journal of Quaternary Science 31 (8), 844-856, 2016
Cultural and human dynamics in southern Arabia at the end of the Middle Paleolithic
A Delagnes, R Crassard, P Bertran, L Sitzia
Quaternary International 300, 234-243, 2013
The Quaternary coversands of southwest France
L Sitzia, P Bertran, JJ Bahain, MD Bateman, M Hernandez, H Garon, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 124, 84-105, 2015
The Landes de Gascogne (southwest France): periglacial desert and cultural frontier during the Palaeolithic
P Bertran, L Sitzia, WE Banks, MD Bateman, PY Demars, M Hernandez, ...
Journal of Archaeological Science 40 (5), 2274-2285, 2013
The Paleoenvironment and Lithic Taphonomy of S hi’B at D ihya 1, a Middle Paleolithic Site in W adi S urdud, Y emen
L Sitzia, P Bertran, S Boulogne, M Brenet, R Crassard, A Delagnes, ...
Geoarchaeology 27 (6), 471-491, 2012
Le Laborien récent de la grotte-abri de Peyrazet (Creysse, Lot, France). Nouvelles données pour la fin du Tardiglaciaire en Quercy
M Langlais, V Laroulandie, J Jacquier, S Costamagno, P Chalard, ...
PALEO. Revue d'archéologie préhistorique, 79-116, 2015
Dynamics and sources of last glacial aeolian deposition in southwest France derived from dune patterns, grain-size gradients and geochemistry, and reconstruction of efficient …
L Sitzia, P Bertran, A Sima, P Chery, A Queffelec, DD Rousseau
Quaternary Science Reviews 170, 250-268, 2017
The use of spatial taphonomy for interpreting Pleistocene palimpsests: an interdisciplinary approach to the Châtelperronian and carnivore occupations at Cassenade (Dordogne …
E Discamps, F Bachellerie, M Baillet, L Sitzia
PaleoAnthropology 2019, 362-388, 2019
Database of pleistocene periglacial featuresin France: description of the online version
E Andrieux, P Bertran, P Antoine, L Deschodt, A Lenoble, S Coutard, ...
Quaternaire. Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire 27 …, 2016
Stratigraphy and chronology of Pleistocene coastal deposits in northern Aquitaine, France: a reinvestigation
M Bosq, P Bertran, C Beauval, S Kreutzer, M Duval, M Bartz, N Mercier, ...
Quaternaire. Revue de l'Association française pour l'étude du Quaternaire 30 …, 2019
Did a 3800-year-old Mw ~9.5 earthquake trigger major social disruption in the Atacama Desert?
D Salazar, G Easton, J Goff, JL Guendon, J González-Alfaro, P Andrade, ...
Science advances 8 (14), eabm2996, 2022
Le site du Lac Bleu et la question de l'extension du pergélisol en France au Pléistocène supérieur
A Lenoble, P Bertran, N Mercier, L Sitzia
Quaternaire continental d'Aquitaine: données récentes., 109-121, 2012
Chronostratigraphie et distribution spatiale des dépôts éoliens quaternaires du bassin aquitain
L Sitzia
Université Sciences et Technologies-Bordeaux I, 2014
Ritual stone‐built architecture and shell midden foundation: A semisubterranean structure in hyperarid Atacama Desert coast, Northern Chile
X Power, L Sitzia, S Yrarrázaval, D Salazar, P Andrade, V Hernández, ...
Geoarchaeology 37 (1), 198-226, 2022
A perched, high-elevation wetland complex in the Atacama Desert (northern Chile) and its implications for past human settlement
L Sitzia, EM Gayo, M Sepulveda, JS González, L Ibañez, A Queffelec, ...
Quaternary Research 92 (1), 33-52, 2019
La Honteyre (Le Tuzan, Gironde): une occupation de chasseurs-collecteurs magdaléniens en contexte de désert sableux
L Gourc, M Langlais, L Sitzia, S Caux, G Belbeoc'h, M Lenoir
Bulletin de la Société préhistorique française, 713-735, 2016
Architecture of the lower terraces and evolution of the Dordogne River at Bergerac (south‐west France) during the last glacial–interglacial cycle
P Bertran, M Frouin, N Mercier, F Naessens, F Prodeo, A Queffelec, ...
Journal of Quaternary Science 28 (6), 605-616, 2013
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