Cecile Le Guern
Cecile Le Guern
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Guide sur le comportement des polluants dans les sols et les nappes
B Lemière, JJ Seguin, C Le Guern, D Guyonnet, P Baranger, A Saada, ...
BRGM éditions 300, 132p, 2001
Arsenic trapping by iron oxyhydroxides and carbonates at hydrothermal spring outlets
C Le Guern, P Baranger, C Crouzet, F Bodénan, P Conil
Applied Geochemistry 18 (9), 1313-1323, 2003
Role of calcium ions in the mechanism of action of a lignosulphonate used to modify the wettability of plastics for their separation by flotation
C Le Guern, P Conil, R Houot
Minerals Engineering 13 (1), 53-63, 2000
Origin of trace elements in an urban garden in Nantes, France
L Jean-Soro, C Le Guern, B Bechet, T Lebeau, MF Ringeard
Journal of Soils and Sediments 15, 1802-1812, 2015
Points of attention in designing tools for regional brownfield prioritization
E Limasset, L Pizzol, C Merly, AM Gatchett, C Le Guern, S Martinát, ...
Science of the total environment 622, 997-1008, 2018
Spatial variability of trace elements in allotment gardens of four European cities: assessments at city, garden, and plot scale
B Bechet, S Joimel, L Jean-Soro, A Hursthouse, A Agboola, TE Leitão, ...
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 391-406, 2018
Comparison of long-term geochemical interactions at two natural CO2-analogues: Montmiral (Southeast Basin, France) and Messokampos (Florina Basin, Greece) case studies
I Gaus, C Le Guern, J Pearce, H Pauwels, T Shepherd, G Hatziynnis, ...
Greenhouse Gas Control Technologies 7, 561-569, 2005
Simplified performance assessment methodology for addressing soil quality of nature-based solutions
R Bouzouidja, B Béchet, J Hanzlikova, M Sněhota, C Le Guern, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 21, 1909-1927, 2021
Management initiatives in support of the soil quality of urban allotment gardens: E xamples from N antes (F rance)
C Le Guern, L Jean‐Soro, B Béchet, T Lebeau, D Bouquet
Land degradation & development 29 (10), 3681-3692, 2018
Physico-chemical separation (flotation) of plastic waste before recycling
C Le Guern, P Conil, R Houot
Waste Treatment, Recycling and Soil Remediation 5, 319-327, 1997
Cinématique d’un trait de côte sableux en Vendée entre 1920 et 2010
M Juigner, M Robin, P Fattal, M Maanan, C Le Guern, L Gouguet, ...
Dynamiques Environnementales-Journal international des géosciences et de l …, 2013
Chelate-assisted phytoextraction of lead using Fagopyrum esculentum: laboratory vs. field experiments
AM Braud, P Gaudin, A Hazotte, C Le Guern, T Lebeau
International Journal of Phytoremediation 21 (11), 1072-1079, 2019
Effect of geogenic lead on fungal and collembolan communities in garden topsoil
S Joimel, H Capiaux, C Schwartz, M Hedde, T Lebeau, C Le Guern, ...
Pedosphere 28 (2), 215-226, 2018
Adsorption of a lignosulphonate polymer onto PVC and PET surfaces: Evaluation by XPS
CL Guern, P Baillif, P Conil, R Houot
Journal of materials science 36, 1547-1554, 2001
A typology of anthropogenic deposits as a tool for modeling urban subsoil geochemistry: example of the Ile de Nantes (France)
C Le Guern, V Baudouin, B Sauvaget, M Delayre, P Conil
Journal of soils and sediments 18, 373-379, 2018
Propriétés physiques et hydrauliques de sédiments marins en vue de réutilisation en remblais
D Levacher, M Sanchez, Z Duan, C Le Guern
Xèmes Journées Nationales Génie Côtier-Génie Civil, Sophia Antipolis, 14-16, 2008
May a Former Municipal Landfill Contaminate Groundwater in Microplastics? First Investigations from the “Prairie de Mauves Site”(Nantes, France)
L Ledieu, NN Phuong, B Flahaut, P Radigois, J Papin, C Le Guern, ...
Microplastics 2 (1), 93-106, 2023
A new assay of bacterial selection with Pb reveals an unexpected effect of Pb on bacterial behavior: implications for remediation
D Bouquet, A Lépinay, P Gaudin, L Jean-Soro, C Le Guern, E Lichtfouse, ...
Environmental Chemistry Letters 18, 983-992, 2020
La gestion des terres excavées sur les zones d’aménagement de l’Ile de Nantes
E Jeanniot, M Carreau, C Le Guern, V Baudouin, P Bâlon, C Blanc, ...
Journées Techniques Nationales «Reconversion des friches urbaines polluées …, 2014
Optimising ways of mapping the natural enrichment of trace elements in soils developed on basement–Results on the French Department of Loire-Atlantique (1/50 000)
C Le Guern, V Baudouin, B Courtais, P Conil, C Gloaguen, H Roussel
AquaConsoil, 2013
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