Mohamed Atri
Mohamed Atri
King Khalid University, College of Computer Science
在 kku.edu.sa 的电子邮件经过验证
Face recognition systems: A survey
Y Kortli, M Jridi, A Al Falou, M Atri
Sensors 20 (2), 342, 2020
Deep CNN for Brain Tumor Classification
M Ayadi, W., Elhamzi, W., Charfi, I., Atri
Neural Processing Letters, 2021
A survey of localization systems in internet of things
F Khelifi, A Bradai, A Benslimane, P Rawat, M Atri
Mobile Networks and Applications 24, 761-785, 2019
Optimised spatio-temporal descriptors for real-time fall detection: comparison of SVM and Adaboost based classification
I Charfi, J Miteran, J Dubois, M Atri, R Tourki
Journal of Electronic Imaging (JEI) 22 (4), 17, 2013
Definition and performance evaluation of a robust SVM based fall detection solution
I Charfi, J Miteran, J Dubois, M Atri, R Tourki
2012 eighth international conference on signal image technology and internet …, 2012
Electrocardiogram heartbeat classification based on a deep convolutional neural network and focal loss
TF Romdhane, MA Pr
Computers in Biology and Medicine 123, 103866, 2020
An evaluation of retinanet on indoor object detection for blind and visually impaired persons assistance navigation
M Afif, R Ayachi, Y Said, E Pissaloux, M Atri
Neural Processing Letters 51, 2265-2279, 2020
Generalized Fourier descriptors with applications to objects recognition in SVM context
F Smach, C Lemaître, JP Gauthier, J Miteran, M Atri
Journal of mathematical imaging and Vision 30, 43-71, 2008
Deep federated Q-learning-based network slicing for industrial IoT
S Messaoud, A Bradai, OB Ahmed, PTA Quang, M Atri, MS Hossain
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 17 (8), 5572-5582, 2020
A survey on machine learning in Internet of Things: Algorithms, strategies, and applications
S Messaoud, A Bradai, SHR Bukhari, PTA Quang, OB Ahmed, M Atri
Internet of Things 12, 100314, 2020
Traffic signs detection for real-world application of an advanced driving assisting system using deep learning
R Ayachi, M Afif, Y Said, M Atri
Neural Processing Letters 51 (1), 837-851, 2020
A new fuzzy logic based node localization mechanism for wireless sensor networks
S Amri, F Khelifi, A Bradai, A Rachedi, ML Kaddachi, M Atri
Future Generation Computer Systems 93, 799-813, 2019
Design of a neural networks classifier for face detection
F Smach, M Atri, J Mitéran, M Abid
WEC'05: 3rd World Enformatika Conference, 274-277, 2005
Localization and energy-efficient data routing for unmanned aerial vehicles: Fuzzy-logic-based approach
F Khelifi, A Bradai, K Singh, M Atri
IEEE Communications Magazine 56 (4), 129-133, 2018
A hybrid feature extraction approach for brain MRI classification based on Bag-of-words
W Ayadi, W Elhamzi, I Charfi, M Atri
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 48, 144-152, 2019
Brain tumor classification based on hybrid approach
W Ayadi, I Charfi, W Elhamzi, M Atri
The Visual Computer 38 (1), 107-117, 2022
Hardware co-simulation for video processing using xilinx system generator
T Saidani, D Dia, W Elhamzi, M Atri, R Tourki
Proceedings of the World Congress on Engineering 1, 3-7, 2009
Deep learning based application for indoor scene recognition
M Afif, R Ayachi, Y Said, M Atri
Neural Processing Letters 51, 2827-2837, 2020
Strided convolution instead of max pooling for memory efficiency of convolutional neural networks
R Ayachi, M Afif, Y Said, M Atri
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Sciences of Electronics …, 2020
Indoor objects detection and recognition for an ICT mobility assistance of visually impaired people
M Afif, R Ayachi, E Pissaloux, Y Said, M Atri
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 31645-31662, 2020
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