Andrea Cauduro
Andrea Cauduro
Prostitution and human trafficking
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro, M Lombardi, P Ruspini
Focus on clients 254, 2009
Study on national legislation on prostitution and the trafficking in women and children
A Di Nicola, I Orfano, A Cauduro, N Conci
Transcrime, 2005
La prostituzione nell’Unione Europea tra politiche e tratta di esseri umani
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro, N Conci, I Orfano
Franco Angeli, 2006
Innocent When You Dream Clients and Trafficked Women in Italy
A Cauduro, AD Nicola, C Fonio, A Nuvoloni, P Ruspini
Prostitution and human trafficking: Focus on clients, 31-66, 2009
Review of official statistics on trafficking in human beings for sexual exploitation and their validity in the 25 EU Member States from official statistics to estimates of the …
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro
Measuring Human Trafficking: Complexities and Pitfalls, 73-94, 2007
Study on paving the way for future policy initiatives in the field of fight against organised crime: Effectiveness of specific criminal law measures targeting organised crime
A Di Nicola, P Gounev, M Levi, J Rubin, B Vettori
European Commission, 2014
Europese integratie en beleidsontwikkeling inzake justitie en binnenlandse zaken
G Vermeulen
Maklu, 2006
Review of the Research Studies on the Demand for Prostitution in the European Union and Beyond
A Cauduro
Prostitution and human trafficking: Focus on clients, 5-21, 2009
Study on national legislation on prostitution and trafficking in woman and children
A Di Nicola, I Orfano, A Cauduro, N Conci
Transcrime. Joint Research Center on Transnational Crime, European Parliament, 2005
From the sidewalk to the digital highway: A study on the web as a source of information on prostitution and victims of human trafficking in Italy
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro, V Falletta
Italian Journal of Criminology 7 (3), 219-228, 2013
Dal marciapiede all’autostrada digitale: uno studio sul web come fonte di informazioni su prostituzione e vittime di tratta in Italia
A Cauduro, A Di Nicola, V Falletta
Rassegna Italiana di Criminologia 7 (3), 219-228, 2013
Study on National Legislation on Prostitution and the Trafficking in Women and Children, European Parliament, Transcrime
A Di Nicola, I Orfano, A Cauduro, N Conci
Prostitution and Human Trafficking: Focus on Clients
A Cauduro, M Lombardi
Springer, 2007
Mapping Anticorruption Enforcement Instruments
A Di Nicola, F Costantino, F Terenghi, A Cauduro, B Vettori, A Stoyanov, ...
Center for the Study of Democracy, 2015
The Italian case study
A Di Nicola, F Terenghi, B Vettori, A Cauduro, S Bressan, F Costantino, ...
European Commission. Directorate-General Migration and Home Affairs, 2014
5. Further/alternative criminal law tools to fight organised crime
A Di Nicola, B Vettori, A Cauduro, G Baratto
Study on paving the way for future policy initiatives in the field of fight …, 2014
4. Mapping and transposition assesssment of MS legislation with reference to Framework Decision 2008/841/JHA
A Di Nicola, B Vettori, A Cauduro, G Baratto
Study on paving the way for future policy initiatives in the field of fight …, 2014
ID crimes against natural persons: the web victimization survey and its results
A Cauduro, et al.
WEB PRO ID - Developing web-based data collection modules to understand …, 2014
Identity-related crimes and the need for innovative tools to understand, prevent and combat them
A Cauduro
WEB PRO ID - Developing web-based data collection modules to understand …, 2014
WEB PRO ID - Developing web-based data collection modules to understand, prevent and combat ID re-lated crimes and facilitate their investigation and prosecution
A Di Nicola, A Cauduro, A Cordioli, V Falletta, F Francesconi, E Martini, ...
eCrime Research Reports, 2014
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