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Issues involved in the quantitative 3D imaging of proton doses using optical CT and chemical dosimeters
S Doran, T Gorjiara, A Kacperek, J Adamovics, Z Kuncic, C Baldock
Physics in Medicine & Biology 60 (2), 709, 2015
强制性开放获取政策: Cancer Research UK, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council …
The quenching effect in PRESAGE® dosimetry of proton beams: Is an empirical correction feasible?
SJ Doran, T Gorjiara, J Adamovics, Z Kuncic, A Kacperek, C Baldock
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 573 (1), 012043, 2015
强制性开放获取政策: Cancer Research UK, UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council …