Visualization of time-oriented data W Aigner, S Miksch, H Schumann, C Tominski Springer, 2011 | 1132 | 2011 |
Space, time and visual analytics G Andrienko, N Andrienko, U Demsar, D Dransch, J Dykes, SI Fabrikant, ... International journal of geographical information science 24 (10), 1577-1600, 2010 | 590 | 2010 |
Visualizing time-oriented data—a systematic view W Aigner, S Miksch, W Müller, H Schumann, C Tominski Computers & Graphics 31 (3), 401-409, 2007 | 520 | 2007 |
Visualisierung: Grundlagen und allgemeine Methoden H Schumann, W Müller Springer-Verlag, 2000 | 448* | 2000 |
Visual methods for analyzing time-oriented data W Aigner, S Miksch, W Müller, H Schumann, C Tominski IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 14 (1), 47-60, 2008 | 433 | 2008 |
Stacking-based visualization of trajectory attribute data C Tominski, H Schumann, G Andrienko, N Andrienko IEEE Transactions on visualization and Computer Graphics 18 (12), 2565-2574, 2012 | 405 | 2012 |
Visualization methods for time-dependent data-an overview Muller, Schumann Proceedings of the 2003 Winter Simulation Conference, 2003. 1, 737-745 Vol. 1, 2003 | 326 | 2003 |
A design space of visualization tasks HJ Schulz, T Nocke, M Heitzler, H Schumann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 19 (12), 2366-2375, 2013 | 248 | 2013 |
3d information visualization for time dependent data on maps C Tominski, P Schulze-Wollgast, H Schumann Ninth International Conference on Information Visualisation (IV'05), 175-181, 2005 | 241 | 2005 |
The visualization of uncertain data: Methods and problems. H Griethe, H Schumann SimVis 6, 143-156, 2006 | 230 | 2006 |
Axes-based visualizations with radial layouts C Tominski, J Abello, H Schumann Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing, 1242-1247, 2004 | 230 | 2004 |
The design space of implicit hierarchy visualization: A survey HJ Schulz, S Hadlak, H Schumann IEEE transactions on visualization and computer graphics 17 (4), 393-411, 2011 | 224 | 2011 |
Fisheye tree views and lenses for graph visualization C Tominski, J Abello, F Van Ham, H Schumann Information Visualization, 2006. IV 2006. Tenth International Conference on …, 2006 | 181 | 2006 |
CGV—An interactive graph visualization system C Tominski, J Abello, H Schumann Computers & Graphics 33 (6), 660-678, 2009 | 173 | 2009 |
Visual Data Mining DA Keim, W Müller, H Schumann Eurographics 2002 - STARs, 2002 | 155* | 2002 |
Tangible views for information visualization M Spindler, C Tominski, H Schumann, R Dachselt ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces, 157-166, 2010 | 143 | 2010 |
Interactive lenses for visualization: An extended survey C Tominski, S Gladisch, U Kister, R Dachselt, H Schumann Computer Graphics Forum 36 (6), 173-200, 2017 | 139 | 2017 |
Task-driven color coding C Tominski, G Fuchs, H Schumann 2008 12th International Conference Information Visualisation, 373-380, 2008 | 131 | 2008 |
A flexible approach for visual data mining M Kreuseler, H Schumann IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics 8 (1), 39-51, 2002 | 129 | 2002 |
A scalable framework for information visualization M Kreuseler, N López, H Schumann IEEE Symposium on Information Visualization 2000. INFOVIS 2000. Proceedings …, 2000 | 121 | 2000 |