Context and leadership: An examination of the nine-factor full-range leadership theory using the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire J Antonakis, BJ Avolio, N Sivasubramaniam The Leadership Quarterly 14 (3), 261-295, 2003 | 3731 | 2003 |
On making causal claims: A review and recommendations J Antonakis, S Bendahan, P Jacquart, R Lalive The Leadership Quarterly 21 (6), 1086-1120, 2010 | 2526 | 2010 |
The nature of leadership J Antonakis, DV Day Sage publications, 2017 | 2049 | 2017 |
COVID-19 and the Workplace: Implications, Issues, and Insights for Future Research and Action KM Kniffin, J Narayanan, F Anseel, J Antonakis, SJ Ashford, AB Bakker, ... American Psychologist, 2020 | 1980 | 2020 |
Leader distance: A review and a proposed theory J Antonakis, L Atwater The Leadership Quarterly 13, 673-704, 2002 | 1051* | 2002 |
Does leadership need emotional intelligence? J Antonakis, N Ashkanasy, MT Dasborough The Leadership Quarterly 20 (2), 247-261, 2009 | 936 | 2009 |
Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformational–transactional leadership theory J Antonakis, RJ House The Leadership Quarterly 25 (4), 746-771, 2014 | 864 | 2014 |
The full-range leadership theory: The way forward J Antonakis, RJ House Transformational and Charismatic Leadership: The Road Ahead 10th Anniversary …, 2013 | 864 | 2013 |
Could lean production job design be intrinsically motivating? Contextual, configurational, and levels-of-analysis issues S De Treville, J Antonakis Journal of operations management 24 (2), 99-123, 2006 | 794 | 2006 |
Causality and endogeneity: problems and solutions J Antonakis, S Bendahan, P Jacquart, R Lalive The Oxford Handbook of Leadership and Organizations. Oxford University Press …, 2014 | 704 | 2014 |
Leadership: Past, present, and future J Antonakis, AT Cianciolo, RJ Sternberg The nature of leadership 3, 2004 | 574 | 2004 |
Predicting elections: Child's play! J Antonakis, O Dalgas Science 323 (5918), 1183-1183, 2009 | 562 | 2009 |
Transformational and charismatic leadership J Antonakis The nature of leadership, 256-288, 2012 | 539 | 2012 |
Can charisma be taught? Tests of two interventions J Antonakis, M Fenley, S Liechti Academy of Management Learning & Education 10 (3), 374-396, 2011 | 517 | 2011 |
Charisma: An ill-defined and ill-measured gift J Antonakis, N Bastardoz, P Jacquart, B Shamir Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior 3 …, 2016 | 508 | 2016 |
On doing better science: From thrill of discovery to policy implications J Antonakis The Leadership Quarterly 28 (1), 5-21, 2017 | 468 | 2017 |
Considering context in psychological leadership research RC Liden, J Antonakis Human relations 62 (11), 1587-1605, 2009 | 465 | 2009 |
Interpersonal Power: A Review, Critique, and Research Agenda RE Sturm, J Antonakis Journal of Management 41 (1), 136-163, 2015 | 394 | 2015 |
Leadership Process Models: A review and synthesis T Fischer, J Dietz, J Antonakis Journal of Management 43 (6), 1726-1753, 2017 | 383 | 2017 |
Partial least squares path modeling: Time for some serious second thoughts M Rönkkö, CN McIntosh, J Antonakis, JR Edwards Journal of Operations Management 47, 9-27, 2016 | 329 | 2016 |