Katja Gilly
Katja Gilly
Department of Computer Engineering
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An up-to-date survey in web load balancing
K Gilly, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
World Wide Web 14 (2), 105-131, 2011
Community-based allocation and migration strategies for fog computing
S Filiposka, A Mishev, K Gilly
2018 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC), 1-6, 2018
Adaptive admission control algorithm in a qos-aware web system
K Gilly, C Juiz, N Thomas, R Puigjaner
Information sciences 199, 58-77, 2012
Analysis of burstiness monitoring and detection in an adaptive web system
K Gilly, S Alcaraz, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
Computer Networks 53 (5), 668-679, 2009
IoT serverless computing at the edge: Open issues and research direction
V Kjorveziroski, C Bernad Canto, P Juan Roig, K Gilly, A Mishev, ...
Transactions on Networks and Communications, 2021
Scalable QoS content-aware load balancing algorithm for a Web Switch based on classical policies
K Gilly, N Thomas, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
22nd International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and …, 2008
Modelling VM migration in a fog computing environment
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Juiz
Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika 25 (5), 75-81, 2019
Mobile‐aware dynamic resource management for edge computing
S Filiposka, A Mishev, K Gilly
Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies 30 (6), e3626, 2019
Modelling a leaf and spine topology for VM migration in Fog computing
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Juiz
2020 24th International Conference Electronics, 1-6, 2020
Comparison of predictive techniques in cluster-based network servers with resource allocation
K Gilly, S Alcaraz, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
The IEEE Computer Society's 12th Annual International Symposium on Modeling …, 2004
Service differentiation and QoS in a scalable content-aware load balancing algorithm
K Gilly, S Alcaraz, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
40th Annual Simulation Symposium (ANSS'07), 185-193, 2007
Modelling a plain n-hypercube topology for migration in fog computing
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Juiz
Advances in Computing and Network Communications: Proceedings of CoCoNet …, 2021
End-to-end simulation environment for mobile edge computing
K Gilly, C Bernad, PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, S Filiposka
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory 121, 102657, 2022
Modeling an edge computing arithmetic framework for IoT environments
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Bernad, C Juiz
Sensors 22 (3), 1084, 2022
Modeling of a generic edge computing application design
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Bernad, C Juiz
Sensors 21 (21), 7276, 2021
Modelling edge computing in urban mobility simulation scenarios
K Gilly, S Alcaraz, N Aknin, S Filiposka, A Mishev
2020 IFIP Networking Conference (Networking), 539-543, 2020
Supporting Location Transparent Services in a Mobile Edge Computing Environment.
K Gilly, S Filiposka, A Mishev
Advances in Electrical & Computer Engineering 18 (4), 2018
Study on mobility and migration in a fog computing environment
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, C Juiz
2018 22nd International Conference Electronics, 1-6, 2018
Formal algebraic specification of an IoT/fog data centre for fat Tree or leaf and spine architectures
PJ Roig, S Alcaraz, K Gilly, S Filiposka, N Aknin
2020 International Conference on Electrical, Communication, and Computer …, 2020
A statistically customisable web benchmarking tool
K Gilly, C Quesada-Granja, S Alcaraz, C Juiz, R Puigjaner
Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 232, 89-99, 2009
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