Firming up inequality J Song, DJ Price, F Guvenen, N Bloom, T Von Wachter The Quarterly journal of economics 134 (1), 1-50, 2019 | 1332 | 2019 |
What do data on millions of US workers reveal about lifecycle earnings dynamics? F Guvenen, F Karahan, S Ozkan, J Song Econometrica 89 (5), 2303-2339, 2021 | 708 | 2021 |
The nature of countercyclical income risk F Guvenen, S Ozkan, J Song Journal of Political Economy 122 (3), 621-660, 2014 | 668 | 2014 |
A parsimonious macroeconomic model for asset pricing F Guvenen Econometrica 77 (6), 1711-1750, 2009 | 660* | 2009 |
Reconciling conflicting evidence on the elasticity of intertemporal substitution: A macroeconomic perspective F Guvenen Journal of Monetary Economics 53 (7), 1451-1472, 2006 | 645 | 2006 |
An empirical investigation of labor income processes F Guvenen Review of Economic dynamics 12 (1), 58-79, 2009 | 635 | 2009 |
Learning your earning: Are labor income shocks really very persistent? F Guvenen American Economic Review 97 (3), 687-712, 2007 | 553 | 2007 |
Inferring labor income risk and partial insurance from economic choices F Guvenen, AA Smith Econometrica 82 (6), 2085-2129, 2014 | 362* | 2014 |
Taxation of human capital and wage inequality: A cross-country analysis F Guvenen, B Kuruscu, S Ozkan Review of Economic Studies 81 (2), 818-850, 2014 | 295 | 2014 |
Offshore profit shifting and aggregate measurement: Balance of payments, foreign investment, productivity, and the labor share F Guvenen, RJ Mataloni Jr, DG Rassier, KJ Ruhl American Economic Review 112 (6), 1848-1884, 2022 | 252* | 2022 |
Multidimensional skill mismatch F Guvenen, B Kuruscu, S Tanaka, D Wiczer American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 12 (1), 210-244, 2020 | 250 | 2020 |
Use it or lose it: Efficiency and redistributional effects of wealth taxation F Guvenen, G Kambourov, B Kuruscu, S Ocampo, D Chen The Quarterly Journal of Economics 138 (2), 835-894, 2023 | 226* | 2023 |
Lifetime earnings in the United States over six decades F Guvenen, G Kaplan, J Song, J Weidner American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 14 (4), 446-479, 2022 | 197* | 2022 |
Macroeconomics with heterogeneity: A practical guide F Guvenen National Bureau of Economic Research, 2011 | 170 | 2011 |
Joint-search theory: New opportunities and new frictions B Guler, F Guvenen, GL Violante Journal of Monetary Economics 59 (4), 352-369, 2012 | 139 | 2012 |
The glass ceiling and the paper floor: Changing gender composition of top earners since the 1980s F Guvenen, G Kaplan, J Song NBER Macroeconomics Annual 35 (1), 309-373, 2021 | 138* | 2021 |
A quantitative analysis of the evolution of the US wage distribution, 1970–2000 F Guvenen, B Kuruscu NBER Macroeconomics Annual 24 (1), 227-276, 2010 | 135* | 2010 |
The disappearing large-firm wage premium N Bloom, F Guvenen, BS Smith, J Song, T von Wachter AEA Papers and Proceedings 108, 317-322, 2018 | 133 | 2018 |
Skewed business cycles S Salgado, F Guvenen, N Bloom National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019 | 131* | 2019 |
Worker betas: Five facts about systematic earnings risk F Guvenen, S Schulhofer-Wohl, J Song, M Yogo American Economic Review 107 (5), 398-403, 2017 | 125 | 2017 |