Lauri Green
How much is too much? Identifying benchmarks of adverse effects of macroalgae on the macrofauna in intertidal flats
L Green, M Sutula, P Fong
Ecological Applications 24 (2), 300-314, 2014
Thresholds of adverse effects of macroalgal abundance and sediment organic matter on benthic habitat quality in estuarine intertidal flats
M Sutula, L Green, G Cicchetti, N Detenbeck, P Fong
Estuaries and Coasts 37, 1532-1548, 2014
The good, the bad and the Ulva: the density dependent role of macroalgal subsidies in influencing diversity and trophic structure of an estuarine community
L Green, P Fong
Oikos 125 (7), 988-1000, 2016
Effects of tidal periodicities and diurnal foraging constraints on the density of foraging wading birds
L Calle, DE Gawlik, Z Xie, L Green, B Lapointe, A Strong
The Auk: Ornithological Advances 133 (3), 378-396, 2016
Review of indicators for development of nutrient numeric endpoints in California estuaries
M Sutula
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Technical Report 269, 2011
Macroalgal mats in a eutrophic estuary obscure visual foraging cues and increase variability in prey availability for some shorebirds
L Green, DT Blumstein, P Fong
Estuaries and Coasts 38, 917-926, 2015
A study of the species-confidence hypothesis with Spiny-cheeked Honeyeaters (Acanthagenys rufogularis)
ML Gould, L Green, B Altenau, DT Blumstein
Emu 104 (3), 267-271, 2004
Macroalgal mats control trophic structure and shorebird foraging behavior in a southern California estuary
LR Green
University of California, Los Angeles, 2011
Time‐integrated habitat availability is a resource attribute that informs patterns of use in intertidal areas
L Calle, L Green, A Strong, DE Gawlik
Ecological Monographs 88 (4), 600-620, 2018
Winter nutrient pulse and seagrass epiphyte bloom: evidence of anthropogenic enrichment or natural fluctuations in the lower Florida Keys?
L Green, BE Lapointe, DE Gawlik
Estuaries and coasts 38, 1854-1871, 2015
Management pathways for the successful reduction of nonpoint source nutrients in coastal ecosystems
L Green, C Magel, C Brown
Regional studies in marine science 45, 101851, 2021
Relative effects of physical and small-scale nutrient factors on the distribution of tropical seagrasses in the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, Lower Florida Keys
L Green, DE Gawlik, L Calle, BE Lapointe
Aquatic Botany 124, 45-53, 2015
Feasibility of evaluating the impacts of sea level rise on foraging habitat of the Little Blue Heron in the Great White Heron National Wildlife Refuge, Phase II: Factors …
L Calle, L Green, D Gawlik, BE Lapointe
Florida Fish and Wildlife Service 198, 2014
A small-scale test of the species-energy hypothesis in a southern California estuary
L Green, P Fong
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 464, 35-43, 2015
Eutrophication in an Urban Estuary: Famosa Slough, California
K McLaughlin, M Sutula, JE Cable, P Fong, L Green
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2010, B41J-05, 2010
How much is too much? Identifying benchmarks of adverse effects of macroalgae on the macrobenthic community in estuarine intertidal flats
L Green, M Sutula, P Fong
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