Bryan Tracy
Bryan Tracy
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Clostridia: the importance of their exceptional substrate and metabolite diversity for biofuel and biorefinery applications
BP Tracy, SW Jones, AG Fast, DC Indurthi, ET Papoutsakis
Current opinion in biotechnology 23 (3), 364-381, 2012
Recent advances in single cell protein use as a feed ingredient in aquaculture
SW Jones, A Karpol, S Friedman, BT Maru, BP Tracy
Current opinion in biotechnology 61, 189-197, 2020
The transcriptional program underlying the physiology of clostridial sporulation
SW Jones, CJ Paredes, B Tracy, N Cheng, R Sillers, RS Senger, ...
Genome biology 9, 1-21, 2008
Metabolic engineering of the non-sporulating, non-solventogenic Clostridium acetobutylicum strain M5 to produce butanol without acetone demonstrate the robustness of the acid …
R Sillers, A Chow, B Tracy, ET Papoutsakis
Metabolic engineering 10 (6), 321-332, 2008
Flow cytometry for bacteria: enabling metabolic engineering, synthetic biology and the elucidation of complex phenotypes
BP Tracy, SM Gaida, ET Papoutsakis
Current opinion in biotechnology 21 (1), 85-99, 2010
CO2 fixation by anaerobic non-photosynthetic mixotrophy for improved carbon conversion
SW Jones, AG Fast, ED Carlson, CA Wiedel, J Au, MR Antoniewicz, ...
Nature Communications 7 (1), 12800, 2016
Acetogenic mixotrophy: novel options for yield improvement in biofuels and biochemicals production
AG Fast, ED Schmidt, SW Jones, BP Tracy
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 33, 60-72, 2015
Development and application of flow-cytometric techniques for analyzing and sorting endospore-forming clostridia
BP Tracy, SM Gaida, ET Papoutsakis
Applied and environmental microbiology 74 (24), 7497-7506, 2008
Inactivation of σE and σG in Clostridium acetobutylicum Illuminates Their Roles in Clostridial-Cell-Form Biogenesis, Granulose Synthesis, Solventogenesis, and …
BP Tracy, SW Jones, ET Papoutsakis
Journal of bacteriology 193 (6), 1414-1426, 2011
Inactivation of σF in Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 Blocks Sporulation Prior to Asymmetric Division and Abolishes σE and σG Protein Expression but Does …
SW Jones, BP Tracy, SM Gaida, ET Papoutsakis
Journal of bacteriology 193 (10), 2429-2440, 2011
SpoIIE Is Necessary for Asymmetric Division, Sporulation, and Expression of σF, σE, and σG but Does Not Control Solvent Production in Clostridium …
C Bi, SW Jones, DR Hess, BP Tracy, ET Papoutsakis
Journal of bacteriology 193 (19), 5130-5137, 2011
Fixation of CO2 and CO on a diverse range of carbohydrates using anaerobic, non-photosynthetic mixotrophy
BT Maru, PC Munasinghe, H Gilary, SW Jones, BP Tracy
FEMS microbiology letters 365 (8), fny039, 2018
Improving butanol fermentation to enter the advanced biofuel market
BP Tracy
MBio 3 (6), 10.1128/mbio. 00518-12, 2012
Methods and compositions for genetically engineering clostridia species
BP Tracy, ET Papoutsakis
US Patent App. 12/437,985, 2010
Mixotrophic fermentation method for making acetone, isopropanol, butyric acid and other bioproducts, and mixtures thereof
BP Tracy, SW Jones, AM Eyal
US Patent 9,938,542, 2018
Subchronic feeding, allergenicity, and genotoxicity safety evaluations of single strain bacterial protein
T Jonaitis, EA Lewis, N Lourens, A Groot, RE Goodman, D Mitchell, ...
Food and Chemical Toxicology 162, 112878, 2022
Methods and compositions for generating sporulation deficient bacteria
BP Tracy, CJ Paredes, ET Papoutsakis
US Patent App. 12/485,636, 2010
Method of producing bioproducts
BP Tracy, CJ McWilliams, AM Eyal
US Patent 10,612,051, 2020
Method of producing bioproducts
BP Tracy, CJ McWilliams, AM Eyal
US Patent App. 15/563,204, 2018
Methods and compositions for genetically manipulating clostridia and related bacteria with homologous recombination associated proteins
B Tracy, E Papoutsakis
US Patent App. 12/948,887, 2011
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