Rory Nathan
Rory Nathan
Professor Hydrology & Water Resources, University of Melbourne
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Stream hydrology: an introduction for ecologists
ND Gordon, TA McMahon, BL Finlayson, CJ Gippel, RJ Nathan
John Wiley and Sons, 2004
Evaluation of automated techniques for base flow and recession analyses
RJ Nathan, TA McMahon
Water resources research 26 (7), 1465-1473, 1990
Identification of homogeneous regions for the purposes of regionalisation
RJ Nathan, TA McMahon
Journal of Hydrology 121 (1-4), 217-238, 1990
Australian Rainfall and Runoff-A guide to flood estimation
JE Ball, MK Babister, R Nathan, PE Weinmann, W Weeks, M Retallick, ...
Commonwealth of Australia, 2016
Hydrological recipes: estimation techniques in Australian hydrology
RB Grayson
Cooperative Research Centre for Catchment Hydrology, 1996
Influence of changes in rainfall and soil moisture on trends in flooding
C Wasko, R Nathan
Journal of Hydrology 575, 432-441, 2019
A standard approach to baseflow separation using the Lyne and Hollick filter
AR Ladson, R Brown, B Neal, R Nathan
Australasian Journal of Water Resources 17 (1), 25-34, 2013
RORB-version 4, runoff routing program: user manual
EM Laurenson, RG Mein
Monash University Department of Civil Engineering, 1990
Historical stream salinity trends and catchment salt balances in the Murray–Darling Basin, Australia
ID Jolly, DR Williamson, M Gilfedder, GR Walker, R Morton, G Robinson, ...
Marine and Freshwater Research 52 (1), 53-63, 2001
Detecting changes in streamflow response to changes in non-climatic catchment conditions: farm dam development in the Murray–Darling basin, Australia
SY Schreider, AJ Jakeman, RA Letcher, RJ Nathan, BP Neal, SG Beavis
Journal of Hydrology 262 (1-4), 84-98, 2002
Challenges and opportunities in quantifying the quality of care for acute myocardial infarction: summary from the Acute Myocardial Infarction Working Group of the American …
JA Spertus, MJ Radford, NR Every, EF Ellerbeck, ED Peterson, ...
Circulation 107 (12), 1681-1691, 2003
Estimating low flow characteristics in ungauged catchments
RJ Nathan, TA McMahon
Water Resources Management 6, 85-100, 1992
Evidence of shorter more extreme rainfalls and increased flood variability under climate change
C Wasko, R Nathan, L Stein, D O'Shea
Journal of Hydrology 603, 126994, 2021
An ANN-based emulation modelling framework for flood inundation modelling: Application, challenges and future directions
H Chu, W Wu, QJ Wang, R Nathan, J Wei
Environmental Modelling & Software 124, 104587, 2020
Risks to the shared water resources of the Murray-Darling Basin
A Van Dijk, R Evans, P Hairsine, S Khan, R Nathan, Z Paydar, N Viney, ...
Murray-Darling Basin Commission: Canberra 49, 2006
Changes in antecedent soil moisture modulate flood seasonality in a changing climate
C Wasko, R Nathan, MC Peel
Water Resources Research 56 (3), e2019WR026300, 2020
Evaporation from water supply reservoirs: An assessment of uncertainty
LD Lowe, JA Webb, RJ Nathan, T Etchells, HM Malano
Journal of Hydrology 376 (1-2), 261-274, 2009
Practical aspects of low‐flow frequency analysis
RJ Nathan, TA McMahon
Water Resources Research 26 (9), 2135-2141, 1990
Incorporating climate change in flood estimation guidance
C Wasko, S Westra, R Nathan, HG Orr, G Villarini, R Villalobos Herrera, ...
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 379 (2195), 20190548, 2021
Modeling flow-ecology responses in the anthropocene: challenges for sustainable riverine management
AC Horne, R Nathan, NLR Poff, NR Bond, JA Webb, J Wang, A John
BioScience 69 (10), 789-799, 2019
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