Graham Philip
Graham Philip
Department of Archaeology, Durham University, Durham UK
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Metal Weapons of the Early and Middle Bronze Ages in Syria-Palestine (BAR Int. S. 526)
G Philip
BAR Oxford, 1989
Climatic changes and social transformations in the Near East and North Africa during the ‘long’4th millennium BC: A comparative study of environmental and archaeological evidence
J Clarke, N Brooks, EB Banning, M Bar-Matthews, S Campbell, L Clare, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 136, 96-121, 2016
Contextualizing early urbanization: Settlement cores, early states and agro-pastoral strategies in the Fertile Crescent during the fourth and third millennia BC
TJ Wilkinson, G Philip, J Bradbury, R Dunford, D Donoghue, N Galiatsatos, ...
Journal of World Prehistory 27, 43-109, 2014
CORONA satellite photography: an archaeological application from the Middle East
G Philip, D Donoghue, A Beck, N Galiatsatos
Antiquity 76 (291), 109-118, 2002
Evaluation of Corona and Ikonos high resolution satellite imagery for archaeological prospection in western Syria
A Beck, G Philip, M Abdulkarim, D Donoghue
antiquity 81 (311), 161-175, 2007
The early bronze I-III ages.
G Philip
Sheffield Academic Press, 2001
From above and on the ground: geospatial methods for recording endangered archaeology in the Middle East and North Africa
L Rayne, J Bradbury, D Mattingly, G Philip, R Bewley, A Wilson
Geosciences 7 (4), 100, 2017
Tales of the City?‘Urbanism’ in the Early Bronze Age Levant from Mediterranean and Levantine Perspectives
MS Chesson, G Philip
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (1), 3-16, 2003
Long term population, city size and climate trends in the Fertile Crescent: A first approximation
D Lawrence, G Philip, H Hunt, L Snape-Kennedy, TJ Wilkinson
PloS one 11 (3), e0152563, 2016
The Early Bronze Age of the southern Levant: a landscape approach
G Philip
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 16 (1), 103-132, 2003
The Early Bronze Age I–III
G Philip
Jordan: An archaeological reader, 161-226, 2008
Warrior burials in the ancient Near-Eastern Bronze Age: the evidence from Mesopotamia, western Iran and Syria-Palestine
G Philip
The archaeology of death in the ancient Near East; (eds.) Campbell, Stuart …, 1995
High resolution elevation data derived from stereoscopic CORONA imagery with minimal ground control: an approach using IKONOS and SRTM data
N Galiatsatos, DNM Donoghue, G Philip
Photogrammetric engineering and remote sensing. 74 (9), 1093-1106, 2008
Deconstructing the Ubaid
RA Carter, G Philip
Beyond the Ubaid: Transformation and Integration in the Late Prehistoric …, 2010
Tell el-Dab’a XV. Metal and Metalworking evidence of the Late Middle Kingdom and Second Intermediate Period
G Philip
Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2006
Satellite imagery as a resource in the prospection for archaeological sites in central Syria
KN Wilkinson, AR Beck, G Philip
Geoarchaeology 21 (7), 735-750, 2006
Complexity and diversity in the southern Levant during the third millennium BC: the evidence of Khirbet Kerak Ware
G Philip
Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 12, 26-57, 1999
A long quaternary terrace sequence in the Orontes River valley, Syria: a record of uplift and of human occupation.
DR Bridgland, G Philip, R Westaway, MJ White
Current science. 84 (8), 1080-1089, 2003
Settlement and Landscape Development in the Homs Region, Syria. Report on Work Undertaken during 2001 - 2003
G Philip, M Abdulkarim, P Newson, A Beck, D Bridgland, M Bshesh, ...
Levant 37 (1), 21-42, 2005
Copper metallurgy in the Jordan Valley from the third to the first millennia BC: Chemical, metallographic and lead isotope analyses of artefacts from Pella
G Philip, P Clogg, D Dungworth, S Stos
Levant 35 (1), 71-100, 2003
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