Finance and growth: Schumpeter might be right RG King, R Levine The quarterly journal of economics 108 (3), 717-737, 1993 | 14554 | 1993 |
Finance, entrepreneurship and growth RG King, R Levine Journal of Monetary economics 32 (3), 513-542, 1993 | 6447 | 1993 |
Measuring business cycles: approximate band-pass filters for economic time series M Baxter, RG King Review of economics and statistics 81 (4), 575-593, 1999 | 4577 | 1999 |
Production, growth and business cycles: I. The basic neoclassical model RG King, CI Plosser, ST Rebelo Journal of monetary Economics 21 (2-3), 195-232, 1988 | 3585* | 1988 |
Fiscal policy in general equilibrium M Baxter, RG King The American Economic Review, 315-334, 1993 | 2607 | 1993 |
The new neoclassical synthesis and the role of monetary policy M Goodfriend, RG King NBER macroeconomics annual 12, 231-283, 1997 | 2425 | 1997 |
Stochastic trends and economic fluctuations RG King, CI Plosser, JH Stock, MW Watson National Bureau of Economic Research, 1987 | 2260 | 1987 |
Resuscitating real business cycles RG King, ST Rebelo Handbook of macroeconomics 1, 927-1007, 1999 | 2222 | 1999 |
Public policy and economic growth: developing neoclassical implications RG King, S Rebelo Journal of political Economy 98 (5, Part 2), S126-S150, 1990 | 1712 | 1990 |
Low frequency filtering and real business cycles RG King, ST Rebelo Journal of Economic dynamics and Control 17 (1-2), 207-231, 1993 | 1186 | 1993 |
The behavior of money, credit, and prices in a real business cycle RG King, CI Plosser National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Series, 1982 | 1111 | 1982 |
State-dependent pricing and the general equilibrium dynamics of money and output M Dotsey, RG King, AL Wolman The Quarterly Journal of Economics 114 (2), 655-690, 1999 | 964 | 1999 |
Financial intermediation and economic development RG King, R Levine Capital markets and financial intermediation 15689, 1993 | 826 | 1993 |
Capital fundamentalism, economic development, and economic growth RG King, R Levine Carnegie-Rochester conference series on public policy 40, 259-292, 1994 | 784 | 1994 |
Transitional dynamics and economic growth in the neoclassical model RG King, S Rebelo National Bureau of Economic Research, 1989 | 784 | 1989 |
Time-separable preferences and intertemporal-substitution models of business cycles RJ Barro, RG King The Quarterly Journal of Economics 99 (4), 817-839, 1984 | 643 | 1984 |
Money, prices, interest rates and the business cycle RG King, MW Watson The Review of Economics and statistics, 35-53, 1996 | 606 | 1996 |
Financial deregulation, monetary policy, and central banking M Goodfriend, RG King Federal Reserve Bank of Richmond Working Paper, 1988 | 590 | 1988 |
Testing long run neutrality RG King, MW Watson National Bureau of Economic Research, 1992 | 577 | 1992 |
Optimal monetary policy A Khan, RG King, AL Wolman The Review of Economic Studies 70 (4), 825-860, 2003 | 531 | 2003 |