Alessandro Bianchi
Alessandro Bianchi
Dipartimento Informatica - Università di Bari
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Iterative reengineering of legacy systems
A Bianchi, D Caivano, V Marengo, G Visaggio
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 29 (3), 225-241, 2003
Evaluating software degradation through entropy
A Bianchi, D Caivano, F Lanubile, G Visaggio
Proceedings Seventh International Software Metrics Symposium, 210-219, 2001
An exploratory case study of the maintenance effectiveness of traceability models
A Bianchi, AR Fasolino, G Visaggio
Proceedings IWPC 2000. 8th International workshop on program comprehension …, 2000
Overcoming bread quality decay concerns: Main issues for bread shelf life as a function of biological leavening agents and different extra ingredients used in formulation. A review
I Taglieri, M Macaluso, A Bianchi, C Sanmartin, MF Quartacci, A Zinnai, ...
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (5), 1732-1743, 2021
An industrial case study on reuse oriented development
MT Baldassarre, A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
21st IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), 283-292, 2005
Method and process for iterative reengineering of data in a legacy system
A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
Proceedings Seventh Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, 86-96, 2000
A controlled experiment to assess the effectiveness of inspection meetings
A Bianchi, F Lanubile, G Visaggio
Proceedings seventh international software metrics symposium, 42-50, 2001
Iterative reengineering of legacy functions
A Bianchi, D Caivano, V Marengo, G Visaggio
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance. ICSM 2001 …, 2001
Maintenance-oriented selection of software components
P Ardimento, A Bianchi, G Visaggio
Eighth European Conference on Software Maintenance and Reengineering, 2004 …, 2004
An empirical study of distributed software maintenance
A Bianchi, D Caivano, F Lanubile, F Rago, G Visaggio
International Conference on Software Maintenance, 2002. Proceedings., 103-109, 2002
By-products from winemaking and olive mill value chains for the enrichment of refined olive oil: Technological challenges and nutraceutical features
M Macaluso, A Bianchi, C Sanmartin, I Taglieri, F Venturi, L Testai, L Flori, ...
Foods 9 (10), 1390, 2020
Preliminary Description of NACK-based Ad-hoc On-demand Distance Vector Routing Protocol for MANETs
GV Alessandro Bianchi, Sebastiano Pizzutilo
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Software Engineering and …, 2014
An ASM-based Model for Grid Job Management
A Bianchi, L Manelli, P Sebastiano
Informatica - An International Journal of Computing and Informatics 37 (3 …, 2013
Quality models reuse: experimentation on field
A Bianchi, D Caivano, G Visaggio
Proceedings 26th Annual International Computer Software and Applications …, 2002
Influence of the atmosphere composition during malaxation and storage on the shelf life of an unfiltered extra virgin olive oil: Preliminary results
M Macaluso, I Taglieri, F Venturi, C Sanmartin, A Bianchi, M De Leo, ...
European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 123 (2), 2000122, 2021
A storytest-driven approach to the migration of legacy systems
F Abbattista, A Bianchi, F Lanubile
Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming: 10th …, 2009
COTS products characterization: Proposal and empirical assessment
A Bianchi, D Caivano, R Conradi, L Jaccheri, M Torchiano, G Visaggio
Empirical Methods and Studies in Software Engineering: Experiences from …, 2003
Issues in design and implementation of multimedia software systems
A Bianchi, P Bottoni, P Mussio
Proceedings IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and …, 1999
Full reuse maintenance process for reducing software degradation
MT Baldassarre, A Bianchi, D Caivano, CA Visaggio
Seventh European Conference onSoftware Maintenance and Reengineering, 2003 …, 2003
Applying predicate abstraction to abstract state machines
A Bianchi, S Pizzutilo, G Vessio
International Workshop on Business Process Modeling, Development and Support …, 2015
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