Pavel Matrenin
Pavel Matrenin
Novosibirsk State Technical University
在 corp.nstu.ru 的电子邮件经过验证
Medium-term load forecasting in isolated power systems based on ensemble machine learning models
P Matrenin, M Safaraliev, S Dmitriev, S Kokin, A Ghulomzoda, ...
Energy Reports 8, 612-618, 2022
Sistemnoe opisanie algoritmov roevogo intellekta [Systems approach to swarm intelligence]
PV Matrenin, VG Sekaev
Programmnaja inzhenerija 12, 39-45, 2013
Improving accuracy and generalization performance of small-size recurrent neural networks applied to short-term load forecasting
PV Matrenin, VZ Manusov, AI Khalyasmaa, DV Antonenkov, ...
Mathematics 8 (12), 2169, 2020
Optimal management of energy consumption in an autonomous power system considering alternative energy sources
V Manusov, S Beryozkina, M Nazarov, M Safaraliev, I Zicmane, ...
Mathematics 10 (3), 525, 2022
Adaptive ensemble models for medium-term forecasting of water inflow when planning electricity generation under climate change
P Matrenin, M Safaraliev, S Dmitriev, S Kokin, B Eshchanov, A Rusina
Energy Reports 8, 439-447, 2022
Particle Swarm optimization with velocity restriction and evolutionary parameters selection for scheduling problem
PV Matrenin, VG Sekaev
2015 International Siberian Conference on Control and Communications (SIBCON …, 2015
Методы стохастической оптимизации: учебное пособие
ПВ Матренин, МГ Гриф, ВГ Секаев
Новосибирск: Изд-во НГТУ, 2016
Методы стохастической оптимизации
ПВ Матренин, МГ Гриф, ВГ Секаев
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2016
Hydrogen energy storage systems to improve wind power plant efficiency considering electricity tariff dynamics
NG Kiryanova, PV Matrenin, SV Mitrofanov, SE Kokin, MK Safaraliev
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 47 (18), 10156-10165, 2022
Review of the digital twin technology applications for electrical equipment lifecycle management
AI Khalyasmaa, AI Stepanova, SA Eroshenko, PV Matrenin
Mathematics 11 (6), 1315, 2023
Swarm algorithms in dynamic optimization problem of reactive power compensation units control.
VZ Manusov, PV Matrenin, N Khasanzoda
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 9 (5), 2019
Описание и реализация алгоритмов роевого интеллекта с использованием системного подхода//
ПВ Матренин
Программная инженерия, 27-34, 2015
Применение методов искусственного интеллекта в задачах управления режимами электрических сетей Smart Grid
ВЗ Манусов, Н Хасанзода, ПВ Матренин
Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего …, 2019
Forecasting of electricity consumption by household consumers using fuzzy logic based on the development plan of the power system of the Republic of Tajikistan
SS Tavarov, P Matrenin, M Safaraliev, M Senyuk, S Beryozkina, I Zicmane
Sustainability 15 (4), 3725, 2023
Оптимизация адаптивного алгоритма муравьиной колонии на примере задачи календарного планирования
ВГ Матренин, Павел Викторович, Секаев
Программная инженерия, 34-40, 2013
Generalized swarm intelligence algorithms with domain-specific heuristics
P Matrenin, V Myasnichenko, N Sdobnyakov, D Sokolov, S Fidanova, ...
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 10 (1), 157, 2021
Swarm intelligence algorithms for the problem of the optimal placement and operation control of reactive power sources into power grids
V Manusov, P Matrenin, S Kokin
WITPress 12 (1), 101-112, 2017
Improvement of ant colony algorithm performance for the job-shop scheduling problem using evolutionary adaptation and software realization heuristics
PV Matrenin
Algorithms 16 (1), 15, 2022
Разработка адаптивных алгоритмов роевого интеллекта в проектировании и управлении техническими системами
ПВ Матренин
Томск:[б. и.], 2018
Implementation of Population Algorithms to Minimize Power Losses and Cable Cross-Section in Power Supply System.
VZ Manusov, PV Matrenin, ES Tretiakova
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 6 (6), 2016
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