Roxane de la Sablonnière
Roxane de la Sablonnière
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Integration of social identities in the self: Toward a cognitive-developmental model
CE Amiot, R De la Sablonniere, DJ Terry, JR Smith
Personality and social psychology review 11 (4), 364-388, 2007
Living in a multicultural world: Intergroup ideologies and the societal context of intergroup relations
S Guimond, R De La Sablonnière, A Nugier
European Review of Social Psychology: Volume 25, 142-188, 2017
Toward a psychology of social change: A typology of social change
R de la Sablonnière
Frontiers in psychology 8, 397, 2017
Challenges of applying a student-centered approach to learning in the context of education in Kyrgyzstan
R De la Sablonnière, DM Taylor, N Sadykova
International Journal of Educational Development 29 (6), 628-634, 2009
Gender stereotype endorsement and achievement-related outcomes: The role of competence beliefs and task values
I Plante, R De la Sablonnière, JM Aronson, M Théorêt
Contemporary Educational Psychology 38 (3), 225-235, 2013
Reciprocal relationships between contextual and situational motivation in a sport setting
CM Blanchard, L Mask, RJ Vallerand, R de la Sablonnière, P Provencher
Psychology of sport and exercise 8 (5), 854-873, 2007
The Multicultural Identity Integration Scale (MULTIIS): Developing a comprehensive measure for configuring one’s multiple cultural identities within the self.
MA Yampolsky, CE Amiot, R de la Sablonnière
Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology 22 (2), 166, 2016
Multicultural identity integration and well-being: A qualitative exploration of variations in narrative coherence and multicultural identification
MA Yampolsky, CE Amiot, R de la Sablonnière
Frontiers in psychology 4, 37896, 2013
Understanding my culture means understanding myself: The function of cultural identity clarity for personal identity clarity and personal psychological well‐being
E Usborne, R De La Sablonnière
Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 44 (4), 436-458, 2014
Policewomen acting in self-defense: Can psychological disengagement protect self-esteem from the negative outcomes of relative deprivation?
F Tougas, N Rinfret, AM Beaton, R De la Sablonnière
Journal of personality and social psychology 88 (5), 790, 2005
A new approach to the link between identity and relative deprivation in the perspective of ageism and retirement
F Tougas, M Lagace, RDL Sablonnière, L Kocum
The International Journal of Aging and Human Development 59 (1), 1-23, 2004
Reconceptualizing relative deprivation in the context of dramatic social change: The challenge confronting the people of Kyrgyzstan
R de la Sablonnière, DM Taylor, C Perozzo, N Sadykova
European Journal of Social Psychology 39 (3), 325-345, 2009
Dramatic social change in Russia and Mongolia: Connecting relative deprivation to social identity
R de la Sablonniere, F Tougas, M Lortie-Lussier
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 40 (3), 327-348, 2009
Relative Deprivation and Social Identity in Times of Dramatic Social Change: The Case of Nurses1
R De la Sablonnière, F Tougas
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 38 (9), 2293-2314, 2008
Basic human values during the COVID-19 outbreak, perceived threat and their relationships with compliance with movement restrictions and social distancing
E Bonetto, G Dezecache, A Nugier, M Inigo, JD Mathias, S Huet, ...
PloS one 16 (6), e0253430, 2021
Dramatic social change: A social psychological perspective
R De La Sablonnière, L French Bourgeois, M Najih
Journal of Social and Political Psychology 1 (1), 2013
Two Forms of Racism and Their Related Outcomes: The Bad and the Ugly.
F Tougas, JC Desruisseaux, A Desrochers, L St-Pierre, A Perrino, ...
Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science/Revue canadienne des sciences du …, 2004
Capturing changes in social identities over time and how they become part of the self‐concept
CE Amiot, R de la Sablonniere, LGE Smith, JR Smith
Social and Personality Psychology Compass 9 (4), 171-187, 2015
The cultural narratives of Francophone and Anglophone Quebecers: Using a historical perspective to explore the relationships among collective relative deprivation, in‐group …
E Bougie, E Usborne, R de la Sablonniere, DM Taylor
British Journal of Social Psychology 50 (4), 726-746, 2011
When the “We” impacts how “I” feel about myself
R de la Sablonnière, É Auger, N Sadykova, DM Taylor
European Psychologist, 2010
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