Thorsten Loewenhoff
Thorsten Loewenhoff
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Use of tungsten material for the ITER divertor
T Hirai, S Panayotis, V Barabash, C Amzallag, F Escourbiac, A Durocher, ...
Nuclear Materials and Energy 9, 616-622, 2016
Challenges for plasma-facing components in nuclear fusion
J Linke, J Du, T Loewenhoff, G Pintsuk, B Spilker, I Steudel, M Wirtz
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 4 (5), 2019
Performance of different tungsten grades under transient thermal loads
J Linke, T Loewenhoff, V Massaut, G Pintsuk, G Ritz, M Rödig, A Schmidt, ...
Nuclear Fusion 51 (7), 073017, 2011
Baseline high heat flux and plasma facing materials for fusion
Y Ueda, K Schmid, M Balden, JW Coenen, T Loewenhoff, A Ito, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (9), 092006, 2017
Plasma–wall interaction studies within the EUROfusion consortium: progress on plasma-facing components development and qualification
S Brezinsek, JW Coenen, T Schwarz-Selinger, K Schmid, A Kirschner, ...
Nuclear fusion 57 (11), 116041, 2017
Tungsten and CFC degradation under combined high cycle transient and steady state heat loads
T Loewenhoff, J Linke, G Pintsuk, C Thomser
Fusion Engineering and Design 87 (7-8), 1201-1205, 2012
Evolution of tungsten degradation under combined high cycle edge-localized mode and steady-state heat loads
T Loewenhoff, A Bürger, J Linke, G Pintsuk, A Schmidt, L Singheiser, ...
Physica Scripta 2011 (T145), 014057, 2011
Overview of progress in European medium sized tokamaks towards an integrated plasma-edge/wall solution a
H Meyer, T Eich, M Beurskens, S Coda, A Hakola, P Martin, J Adamek, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (10), 102014, 2017
Thermal shock tests to qualify different tungsten grades as plasma facing material
M Wirtz, J Linke, T Loewenhoff, G Pintsuk, I Uytdenhouwen
Physica scripta 2016 (T167), 014015, 2016
Operating a full tungsten actively cooled tokamak: overview of WEST first phase of operation
J Bucalossi, J Achard, O Agullo, T Alarcon, L Allegretti, H Ancher, G Antar, ...
Nuclear Fusion 62 (4), 042007, 2022
Material properties and their influence on the behaviour of tungsten as plasma facing material
M Wirtz, I Uytdenhouwen, V Barabash, F Escourbiac, T Hirai, J Linke, ...
Nuclear Fusion 57 (6), 066018, 2017
Impact of combined transient plasma/heat loads on tungsten performance below and above recrystallization temperature
T Loewenhoff, S Bardin, H Greuner, J Linke, H Maier, TW Morgan, ...
Nuclear fusion 55 (12), 123004, 2015
Self-castellation of tungsten monoblock under high heat flux loading and impact of material properties
S Panayotis, T Hirai, V Barabash, A Durocher, F Escourbiac, J Linke, ...
Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, 200-204, 2017
Transient heat load challenges for plasma-facing materials during long-term operation
M Wirtz, J Linke, T Loewenhoff, G Pintsuk, I Uytdenhouwen
Nuclear Materials and Energy 12, 148-155, 2017
ITER-W monoblocks under high pulse number transient heat loads at high temperature
T Loewenhoff, J Linke, G Pintsuk, RA Pitts, B Riccardi
Journal of Nuclear Materials 463, 202-205, 2015
Emissivity measurement of tungsten plasma facing components of the WEST tokamak
J Gaspar, C Pocheau, Y Corre, N Ehret, D Guilhem, M Houry, T Loarer, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 149, 111328, 2019
Calculation of cracking under pulsed heat loads in tungsten manufactured according to ITER specifications
AS Arakcheev, DI Skovorodin, AV Burdakov, AA Shoshin, SV Polosatkin, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 467, 165-171, 2015
Additive manufacturing of high density pure tungsten by electron beam melting
D Dorow-Gerspach, A Kirchner, T Loewenhoff, G Pintsuk, T Weißgärber, ...
Nuclear materials and energy 28, 101046, 2021
Performance assessment of thick W/Cu graded interlayer for DEMO divertor target
M Richou, F Gallay, B Böswirth, I Chu, G Dose, H Greuner, G Kermouche, ...
Fusion engineering and design 157, 111610, 2020
High pulse number thermal shock tests on tungsten with steady state particle background
M Wirtz, A Kreter, J Linke, T Loewenhoff, G Pintsuk, G Sergienko, ...
Physica scripta 2017 (T170), 014066, 2017
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