Yrjö Häme
Yrjö Häme
Aiforia Technologies
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Mindboggling morphometry of human brains
A Klein, SS Ghosh, FS Bao, J Giard, Y Häme, E Stavsky, N Lee, B Rossa, ...
PLoS computational biology 13 (2), e1005350, 2017
Semi-automatic liver tumor segmentation with hidden Markov measure field model and non-parametric distribution estimation
Y Häme, M Pollari
Medical image analysis 16 (1), 140-149, 2012
Liver tumor segmentation using implicit surface evolution
Y Häme
The Midas Journal, 1-10, 2008
Adaptive quantification and longitudinal analysis of pulmonary emphysema with a hidden Markov measure field model
Y Häme, ED Angelini, EA Hoffman, RG Barr, AF Laine
IEEE transactions on medical imaging 33 (7), 1527-1540, 2014
Sparse sampling and unsupervised learning of lung texture patterns in pulmonary emphysema: MESA COPD study
Y Häme, ED Angelini, MA Parikh, BM Smith, EA Hoffman, RG Barr, ...
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 109-113, 2015
Robust quantification of pulmonary emphysema with a hidden Markov measure field model
Y Häme, ED Angelini, EA Hoffman, RG Barr, AF Laine
2013 IEEE 10th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging, 382-385, 2013
Level set-based tracking of the endocardium without a shape prior from 3D ultrasound images
Y Häme, V Gamarnik, KM Parker, JW Holmes, AF Laine
2012 9th IEEE International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 466-469, 2012
Image analysis for liver tumor ablation treatment planning
Y Hame
Hands-on Image Processing 2009, 2009
Equating emphysema scores and segmentations across CT reconstructions: A comparison study
Y Hörne, ED Angelini, RG Barr, AF Laine
2015 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 629-632, 2015
High-resolution contrast enhanced multi-phase hepatic Computed Tomography data fromaporcine Radio-Frequency Ablation study
B Kainz, P Voglreiter, M Sereinigg, I Wiederstein-Grasser, U Mayrhauser, ...
2014 IEEE 11th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 81-84, 2014
Mindboggle: Automated human brain MRI feature extraction, labeling, morphometry, and online visualization
A Klein, FS Bao, Y Hame, E Stavsky, J Giard, D Haehn
Neuroinformatics [Internet], 2012
Large-scale shape analysis of human brain MRI data
A Klein, J Giard, FS Bao, M Reuter, E Stavsky, Y Hame, BN Nichols, ...
Front. Neuroinform. Conference Abstract: Neuroinformatics 2013, 2013
Adaptive Quantification and Subtyping of Pulmonary Emphysema on Computed Tomography
Y Häme
Columbia University, 2015
Evaluation of methods for extracting sulcal fundi from human brain MRI data
A Klein, Y Häme, F Bao, J Giard, O Coulon, D Rivière, G Li
20th Annual Meeting of the Organisation for Human Brain Mapping, 2014
Automated identification of human brain features using multi-atlas, registration-based segmentation
A Klein, S Ghosh, F Bao, J Giard, E Stavsky, Y Häme, R Parsey
Organization for Human Brain Mapping 2012, 2012
D09 Mindboggle 2: Automated human brain MRI feature extraction, identification, shape analysis, and labeling
A Klein, F Bao, E Stavsky, Y Häme, J Giard, N Nichols, S Ghosh
Informatics 2012, 40, 2012
Analysis and classification of optical tomographic images of rheumatoid fingers with ANOVA and discriminate analysis
LD Montejo, HK Kim, Y Häme, J Jia, JD Montejo, UJ Netz, S Blaschke, ...
Advanced Biomedical and Clinical Diagnostic Systems IX 7890, 79-84, 2011
Cortex reconstruction from magnetic resonance images
Y Häme
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